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From: Nux Vomica <>
Subject: Re: Alternative to Optical Storage????
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.misc,alt.os.linux
Followup-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
References: <pan$c6999$ff62655a$6baa28da$> <> <> <vdg79h$2l0ka$> <>
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Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2024 19:13:29 +0000
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On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 01:47:00 -0400, wrote:

>    It's a SERIOUS PROBLEM. We make SO much data now,
>    SUCH volume, and at least SOME of it IS important
>    for both legal and historical reasons - yet there
>    are NO really good archival media.

Very well stated.  This was, of course, the real subject
of my original post.

I would guess that human beings (a.k.a. Homo sapiens) are
not very far sighted.  We witness this in societal reactions
to COVID-19 and global warming.  It seems that human
civilization is not capable at all of being proactive.

>    Optical disks - esp M-Disks - can LAST ... but they
>    are LOW-DENSITY by today's defs by a BIG margin.
>    It's also not clear if you'd be able to FIND a
>    DVD reader device 25 years from now. Even most
>    current PCs/laptops don't COME with those anymore.

BDR optical disks have enough capacity to easily deal with
business, government, or personal documents.

It is only when we consider multimedia files, especially
videos, that we run into problems.

>    The Library Of Congress and Smithsonian are FREAKIN'
>    at this point. SO much historical data - but they
>    can't even find the hardware/drivers to READ the
>    often-proprietary media.

This is another story that needs to be covered.  How will
these and other institutions solve the problem and how can
any solutions be extended to personal computing?

But since consumer-grade computing is dominated by fashion
and fad, it's not likely that the grubbing corps will produce
long-term storage technology.

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