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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Justisaur <>
Subject: Re: Helldivers 2 to require Playstation subscription even bought on
 Steam for PC.
Date: Sat, 4 May 2024 09:19:16 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 33
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References: <v13b93$mihi$>
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On 5/3/2024 11:43 AM, Justisaur wrote:
> Helldivers 2 was looking like a pretty good squad Co-op game, I was 
> somewhat interested, but so many things to play, not enough time.  It 
> won't affect me if I were to play it, but there's regions where it was 
> sold that the PSN isn't available.


Sony and Arrowhead (the dev) were saying that the fact it wasn't 
required was due to a 'server issue' and it was communicated that it was 
a temporary thing.  However screenshots of the requirements from other 
countries where PSN isn't available show it says that PSN is "optional." 
  Presumably they haven't updated all their requirements for all the 
foreign pages yet.

They've been caught in a bold faced lie and gaslighting.  The review 
bombing has greatly increased after this was found and now Helldivers 2 
has been dragged down to 'mixed' for all time reviews.  I'm not sure if 
this will have any real legal repercussions due to the usual "subject to 
change at any time" clauses present everywhere, and Japan's corrupt 
legal system's favoritism.


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