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From: druck <>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi
Subject: Re: Pi4 to Pi5 migration
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 21:41:10 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 06/06/2024 20:03, wrote:
> druck <> wrote:
>> Yes sorry its bullseye to BOOKWORM
> In light of private comments on bookworm's new "features" it
> appears that I should set up a bookworm install and play with it
> some. The existing Pi4 works very well under Bullseye, but it'll
> get superceded at some point and I'll have to face Bookworm
> eventually. In principle I like the idea of upgrading from X11,
> though the actual experience may not be fun.....

There is nothing wrong with Bookworm, you can set it up to work in an 
identical way to Bullseye and it's predecessors. The problem is the 
default set up of clean install of Raspberry PI OS's Bookworm is very 
different to what has has before, and takes quiet a bit of know how to 
change it back. I found it easier to go against advice and upgrade from 
a working Bullseye, rather than workout that out.

> One thing I hadn't considered until now is migrating away from
> RasPiOS to something else. Are there any alternatives that offer
> comparable support that will run on the Pi5? The biggest issue
> for me is probably browser support, most other things I do are
> in terminal windows running shells on FreeBSD hosts (also RPi,
> but headless). I'm a less-bad admin with FreeBSD, but it does
> not yet make use of the GPU on any Pi that I know of. AFAIK
> FreeBSD can't yet boot on a Pi5.

Other OS's aimed at the Pi are getting better, but Raspberry Pi OS still 
has the most optimisation on the Pi4 and earlier. It would be very 
interesting to see where things stand on the much faster Pi 5, where 
such optimisations may not be so important.
