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From: Newyana2 <newyana@invalid.nospam>
Subject: Re: State Farm files patent for system to suppress calls and text
 while driving
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 15:06:21 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 6/9/2024 10:30 AM, Cameo wrote:

> You sound like a bicycle devotee.
    I haven't ridden a bike in 30+ years. Too dangerous.
Too many halfwits busy looking at their cellphones. Too many
inconsiderate drivers. Too crowded. Too many other cyclists
whizzing by, doing 40mph, with rearview mirrors, flashing lights,
and a special cycling suit that makes them look like a skinny

     I can sympathize a bit with bicycle riders,
but the roads are simply not safe for them. They need to go
somewhere to ride. And it shouldn't be on sidewalks. At least
that applies to urban and suburban areas.

    What I'm seeing is more and more bike lanes, more and more
arrogant bicyclists who feel superior because they're not
polluting, and more bicyclists riding on sidewalks illegally,
putting old ladies in danger because they don't feel safe in
their bike lane. It's not a tenable situation.

      As a driver and
frequent walker, I'd like to see bikes restricted to special
paths, just as dogs are only allowed off-leash in special areas.
Maybe that seems extreme, but things just don't work the
way they used to. Everyone thinks they have a right to go
first. Everyone thinks they're morally superior. Pedestrians step
out into the street without looking. Bicyclists cut in front of drivers.
In most cases those people technically have the right of way,
but they're ignoring their own responsibilities, like "Look both
ways before crossing". So, I'm an equal opportunity curmudgeon.
I'm so outrageous that I firmly believe everyone has a duty to
be a good citizen, wait their turn, and practice common courtesy. :)