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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Antonio Marques <no_email@invalid.invalid>
Newsgroups: sci.lang,alt.usage.english
Subject: Re: Photos (Jpg, Png-viewer) --- i don't like it because it
 launches sluggishly...
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 08:04:44 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Rich Ulrich <> wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Jul 2024 21:47:38 -0600, Tilde <invalide@invalid.invalid>
> wrote:
>> Tony Cooper wrote:
>>> On Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:19:17 -0700, HenHanna <HenHanna@devnull.tb>
>>>> There is a  (Windows) tool called  Photos (Jpg, Png-viewer)  --- i don't
>>>> like it
>>>> because it launches  sluggishly....
>>>> Esp. in the last 5 days or so, i'm noticing that almost every day
>>>> i have to go to Properties to  change it back to
>>>> my fav. Jpg, Png-viewer tool
>>>> because the Windows update (?) is  pushing  Photos  on me.
>>>> is there a Fix for this???
>>> I have thousands of images from .jpgs to .pngs on my computer.  I use
>>> the (free) FastStone Photo Viewer.  It's not only a great image
>>> viewer, but offers many other options from selecting by tagged images
>>> to bulk re-naming.  It's set as my default viewer.
> I have both Faststone and Irfanview, and I like Faststone better. 
> What I remember last using Irfanview for was when I wanted
> to change the default orientation of some pictures that were
> usually wrong (downloaded from my off-brand phone). 
> IIRC, Faststone would rotate them okay for PC display by Faststone, 
> but they would be wrong when uploaded to Face Book. 

Opening and saving a lossy format like jpg will usually result in... loss
of quality. For the specific purpose of rotating by multiples of 90°, it's
usually possible to do it losslessly, by just, well, rotating the encoded
data (rather than. decoding, rotating, and reencoding). There may also be
the possibility of specifying in the preamble what orientation the data
has, and maybe this is what solved the issue for one program but not for
fb, that paragon of quality software (maybe it just assumes the data
orientation rather than reading it from the file).

Anyway, I don't know if your faststone has lossless rotation, maybe it
does. If not, there's a few utilities that can do it. AnnyStudio JPEG
Lossless Rotator seems to be one such.

>> I'm on windows 10, once installed I have to jump
>> through a couple of hoops to make it the default
>> but that's a one time thing. My one nit to pick is
>> that it doesn't have an auto update feature.
> I remember spending a lot of time before I figured out how to
> stop Onedrive, their automatic backup to the cloud, from 
> acting and from pestering me. (Run the program and find
> the turn-off option.) 

Apparently there's two OneDrives, one of which comes with Office, and both
tend to get reinstalled now and then.

And that abomination known as 'Teams', which insists on getting installed
whenever you install anything else by MS.