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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Don Y <blockedofcourse@foo.invalid>
Subject: Re: New Pico2
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 10:06:42 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 8/12/2024 9:23 AM, Theo wrote:
> These days, when you've got a 1K+ page manual you know it's the actual
> manual.  If it's 10 pages it's just a 'product brief' that shows some basic

It's often 10 pages just to list (TABULATE!) the pins on the device.

> information about the chip but not nearly enough to program it (contact the
> OEM and they'll make you sign an NDA for the actual details, and maybe only
> if you're going to buy a million units).

Usually, NDA features are associated with higher volume buys (e.g., secure
boot).  But, an average joe should be able to buy/design-in most of these
devices and have a functional product from just the publicly available

What's annoying is absence of a "click here to get EVERYTHING you need"...

> Most of the time you can ignore huge chunks of the manual - if you never use
> the CAN bus transceiver, skip that section.  But better to have the
> information there if you need it.

It's usually worth familiarizing yourself with the content, at least.
You don't want to discover some detail that affects some other aspect
of your design buried in it.  Or, belatedly realize that some part
of the device could have satisfied one of your needs.

Unfortunately, moving to a different device (series, manufacturer)
often means much of the information from the initial device is
just noise that MIGHT help you understand the new device... or,
might HINDER your understanding of it!  ("But, I thought that..."
"No, that's the OTHER device!")

Sadly, it seems (esp with ARM) that these documents are just
pasted together with little attention to the OTHER "sections"
that may -- or may NOT! -- be present in a particular manufacturer's
device (as most of the source material comes from ARM and you have
to rely on your vendor to have added appropriate caveats IN THE