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From: Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid>
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: The joy of Democracy
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 21:18:20 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 23 Oct 2024 18:00:55 GMT, vallor wrote:

> My politics are middle-of-the-road by any other measure, but many
> red-state denizens would consider me -- not "left", not even
> "left-wing", but "leftist" and "a dad-blurned lib'rul!"

Welcome to the normal world. Which many (most?) people in the US seem to 
consider “radical left”. Here in NZ, we call it just another godless 
atheist socialist liberal secular democracy.

> Meanwhile, we use Linux _a lot_ in our business.  I daresay Linux is a
> more useful server and workstation OS than anything else.

It seems to have pretty much put an end to Microsoft’s Windows Server 
business--at least the on-premises part. As well as killing off Windows 
Home Server, Windows Media Center, Windows Server HPC Edition ...

> When Microsoft added Linux to their OS, I figured Linus had achieved his
> goal of Linux on the desktop.

I would distinguish between “desktop” and “workstation”. To me, the 
difference is that “workstation” includes both “desktop” and “server” 
features in a single installation. You’ll note this is something Windows 
carefully avoids doing--Microsoft wants you to play a lot of extra bucks 
for that “server” functionality. Linux does it all as a matter of course.

> Others may disagree,
> but wide-scale adoption of Linux by Microsoft can't be denied: heck,
> they even have their own distribution now.

Microsoft is desperately trying to make Windows seem cool again, by adding 
Linux-like features to it (PowerShell, the new Windows Terminal, the 
revamped Notepad). I think a lot of people would prefer it if they 
concentrated on just making it less buggy.

> BTW, this workstation is a turnkey offering by System76 ...

My laptop is from them, too (second laptop I’ve bought from them). This 
workstation I am using now is a 12-core AMD white-box build from a local 
PC shop, on which I installed Debian Unstable because I am a bit of a 