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Path: ...!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: "Carol" <>
Subject: Re: O.T. --- Just a Random Thought --- 10/26/2024
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 21:59:19 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Dave Smith wrote:

> On 2024-10-27 2:53 p.m., Carol wrote:
> > ItsJoanNotJoAnn wrote:
> > > No need to ask if everyone is ready for it as it doesn't
> > > matter, it will happen whether anyone is ready or not.
> > > Here in Nashville, it's even darker than usual at this
> > > time due to it being a cloudy day.  We've had two much
> > > needed showers and it will be a bit cool on Sunday.
> > 
> > The shorter days overall affect me mostly.  I can't drive well in
> > the dark now.  Cataracts starting but holding off on the surgery
> > until I have medicare (combined with tricare fpr life = no bill).
> I have started finding night driving to be a problem. I have
> cataracts developing in both eyes but I have a more serious issue
> with my right eye and have almost no central vision so I can't
> usually see what I am looking at. Peripheral vision is fine. I am
> going to have to have the cataract done in my left eye done one of
> these days. They generally do one eye and let it heal before they do
> the second one.  I won't have a good eye to rely on while the other
> recovers.

Normal to affect both eyes but one be worse.  My left eye is worse so
will be done first then back about 3 weeks later for the other one.

> > On temps, already getting a bit cool so had the heat on some
> > evenings.
> We have had three nights in a row with heavy frost. The leaves have
> changed colour and are falling like mad. I have to spend some time
> every day raking, blowing and mulching them.

No so here.  On leaves we just run over them (a few times if they clump
up).  This naturally fertilizes the yard.  Same with raking grass.  Out
lawn is better than most and no chemicals used.  Just natures own way
of mulching with a little assist to make it degrade to mulch.