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From: JAB <>
Subject: Re: [Bell of Lost Souls] It's Canon: Baldur's Gate 3 Brings D&D To
 The Vatican
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 09:27:29 +0000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 19/11/2024 01:31, Jhulian Waldby wrote:
>>> All I know, and excuse me if I'm repeating this story for the 19th time,
>>> is that my Irish Catholic grandmother bought me a first print 1e 
>>> *Deities
>>> & Demigods* for freaking Easter. I asked for it, and she was all "Yup."
>>> So no, I don't think her priest was railing against Satan in D&D.
>> I'm pretty sure it was an American phoneme.
> I guess the concern is that players may become unable to differentiate 
> the truth from the water elemental.  I've noticed this in some Dungeon 
> Masters who argue rules as if it were a physics laboratory.  Not one 
> hint of "this is fiction" or "we can't find a rule for that."
> Funny though, I haven't heard anyone mention Satanism in D&D for yrs. 
> That all stopped a week before I picked up Basic Dungeons & Dragons.
> Who were those people?  I couldn't tell you, I've forgotten.

I did read a 'discussion' in I think White Dwarf many, many years ago 
about whether sharp weapons should do half damage on skeletons based on 
whether they had an 'energy body' keeping everything together. My 
thoughts were who cares either way as long as the game world is 
internally consistent.

I play Call of Cthulhu and someone decided to rewrite the firearms 
damage to reflect muzzle velocities and projectile weight. Was it more 
realistic, yes but they had made it so that instead of combat just being 
dangerous, and best avoided where possible, it was outright deadly and 
one hit is time to roll a new character.