Path:!!.POSTED!not-for-mail From: (Anton Ertl) Newsgroups: comp.lang.forth Subject: (Generalized) constant folding in Mecrisp and Gforth Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2019 10:18:29 GMT Organization: Institut fuer Computersprachen, Technische Universitaet Wien Lines: 124 Message-ID: <> Injection-Info:; posting-host="3da9cce0aa426406efc7595956831b5a"; logging-data="14706"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX1/H2yyEiBPob6TxalNXtZdY" Cancel-Lock: sha1:aIX0p0q+r4eGkE0dal3fiKAoqic= X-newsreader: xrn 10.00-beta-3 I used to be sceptical that the benefit of constant folding merits the implementation effort. But the benefits of (generalized) constant folding and the relatively simple implementation have convinced me that it is worthwhile. Benefits: The obvious benefit is that we can optimize sequences like A 5 CELLS + into a single literal, but we could also do this by writing [ A 5 CELLS + ] LITERAL That's why I did not consider it worthwhile. But with generalized constant folding, we get additional benefits. E.g., we can optimize "1 PICK" into OVER (which I used recently <>). Or consider an object-oriented system where the object is passed on the stack: If is a constant, the optimizer for can resolve the method dispatch at compile time and compile the method implementation. Then the optimizer for the method implementation can perform further optimizations specific to this constant . As an example, consider: 5e fvalue x synonym y x : foo to y ; In the new Gforth header implementation, TO Y is implemented as if it compiled (to) (TO) is a method selector, with the implementation being dependent on the the type of Y. Through several levels of generalized constant folding, the eventual code is equivalent to [ ' x >body ] literal f! Implementation: The basic implementation in Gforth can be found in (unfortunately mixed up with some other stuff; the relevant changes are in fold.fs glocals.fs kernel/comp.fs kernel/cond.fs). It introduces a literal stack. Every call to LITERAL pushes the value on the literal stack. When a primitive is compiled eventually (with PEEPHOLE-COMPILE,), or on a control flow join (BEGIN or THEN), all the pending literals on the literal stack are compiled first. But in the meantime, the optimizer of a word can check if there are enough literals for generalized constant folding on the literal stack, and perform an optimization. E.g., the optimizer for + checks if there are at least 2 items on the literal stack. If not, it just compiles the primitive + (which in turn first compiles any pending literals). But if there are two items on the literal stack, it pops them, adds them, and pushes the result on the literal stack without generating any code; the result may be processed further by the optimizer of later words, or be compiled into code when the next primitive is compiled. The optimizer for + could also check for exactly one literal, check the value of the literal, and compile a special primitive like 1+ or CELL+ instead. For the moment, this optimization is not implemented for +, but this generalized constant folding is applied for PICK and (TO). References: Matthias Koch implemented this approach in Mecrisp and published it in @Article{koch15, author = {Matthias Koch}, title = {{Flags, Konstantenfaltung und Optimierungen}}, journal = {Vierte Dimension}, year = {2015}, volume = {31}, number = {arm}, pages = {16--18}, OPTmonth = {}, url = {}, OPTannote = {} } Bernd Paysan picked up this idea and implemented it in Gforth. He published it in @Article{paysan19, author = {Bernd Paysan}, title = {Constant Folding f\"ur Gforth}, journal = {Vierte Dimension}, year = {2019}, OPTkey = {}, volume = {35}, number = {2}, pages = {17--18}, OPTmonth = {}, url = {}, OPTannote = {} } This is the latest issue of Vierte Dimension, and the url will not work for a few months (in order to encourage you to become a member of Forth-Gesellschaft and get the paper version). Both articles are in German, so I wrote this posting for those who prefer to read about it in English. - anton -- M. Anton Ertl comp.lang.forth FAQs: New standard: EuroForth 2019: