Path: ...!goblin1!!!!!peer03.ams1!!!peer03.ams4!!!fx37.ams4.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: alt.os.linux.mageia Stats <>
Newsgroups: alt.os.linux.mageia
Subject: Statistics for November for alt.os.linux.mageia
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NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2020 00:20:02 UTC
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2020 00:15:01 +0000
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        Analysis of posts to alt.os.linux.mageia by Robert Marshall
               (stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)

Total posts considered: 92 over 30 days
Earliest article: Sun Nov  1 00:20:03 2020
Latest article:   Mon Nov 30 23:20:19 2020
Original articles: 9, replies: 83
Total size of posts: 223,001 bytes (217K) (0.21M)
Average 3 articles per day, 0.01 MB per day, 2,423 bytes per article
Total headers: 82 KB  bodies: 135 KB
Body text - quoted: 66 KB,  original: 53 KB = 44.72%, sigs: 14 KB
Total number of posters: 17, average 13,117 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 10, average 22,300 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 5

                    Top 17 posters by number of articles
 1: William Unruh <>............................... :     28
 2: Jim Beard <>.............................. :     13
 3: Bit Twister <>...................... :     13
 4: "David W. Hodgins" <>............... :     10
 5: "J.O. Aho" <>.................................. :      5
 6: faeychild <>........................ :      4
 7: Jasen Betts <>......................... :      3
 8: Bobbie Sellers <>........................ :      3
 9: Markus Robert Kessler <>........... :      2
10: Doug Laidlaw <>.......................... :      2
11: Mike Easter <MikeE@ster.invalid>............................... :      2
12: Chris Elvidge <>............................... :      2
13: Herman Viaene <herman@invalid.invalid>......................... :      1
14: TJ <>.................................... :      1
15: Daniel65 <>...................... :      1
16: alt.os.linux.mageia Stats <>.............. :      1
17: Spiros Bousbouras <>........................... :      1

                  Top 17 posters by article size in Kbytes
 1: William Unruh <>............................... :     69
 2: Bit Twister <>...................... :     31
 3: Jim Beard <>.............................. :     24
 4: "David W. Hodgins" <>............... :     19
 5: alt.os.linux.mageia Stats <>.............. :     11
 6: "J.O. Aho" <>.................................. :     11
 7: Jasen Betts <>......................... :      8
 8: faeychild <>........................ :      7
 9: Bobbie Sellers <>........................ :      6
10: Chris Elvidge <>............................... :      6
11: Markus Robert Kessler <>........... :      4
12: Doug Laidlaw <>.......................... :      4
13: Herman Viaene <herman@invalid.invalid>......................... :      3
14: Spiros Bousbouras <>........................... :      2
15: Mike Easter <MikeE@ster.invalid>............................... :      2
16: TJ <>.................................... :      1
17: Daniel65 <>...................... :      1

               Top 4 responders by original text (> 5 posts)
 1: "David W. Hodgins" <>............... : 71.91%
 2: Bit Twister <>...................... : 45.43%
 3: Jim Beard <>.............................. : 36.71%
 4: "J.O. Aho" <>.................................. : 36.22%

             Bottom 4 responders by original text  (> 5 posts)
 1: William Unruh <>............................... : 35.65%
 2: "J.O. Aho" <>.................................. : 36.22%
 3: Jim Beard <>.............................. : 36.71%
 4: Bit Twister <>...................... : 45.43%

                     Top 10 threads by no. of articles
 1: backup machine to main server.................................. :     25
 2: Gnome Desktop Time Entry 1 Hour Later.......................... :     17
 3: I hope you have disabled ALG in your router.................... :     11
 4: Happy Thanksgiving To All!..................................... :     11
 5: Problems with zoom and sharing................................. :      9
 6: Problems with Pan ?............................................ :      9
 7: MGA7, XFCE4, annoying effects regarding keyboard shortcuts..... :      6
 8: behaviour of sort.............................................. :      2
 9: xfce setup?.................................................... :      1
10: Statistics for October for alt.os.linux.mageia................. :      1

                        Top 10 threads by size in KB
 1: backup machine to main server.................................. :     59
 2: Gnome Desktop Time Entry 1 Hour Later.......................... :     36
 3: Problems with zoom and sharing................................. :     27
 4: I hope you have disabled ALG in your router.................... :     21
 5: Happy Thanksgiving To All!..................................... :     19
 6: Problems with Pan ?............................................ :     15
 7: MGA7, XFCE4, annoying effects regarding keyboard shortcuts..... :     15
 8: Statistics for October for alt.os.linux.mageia................. :     11
 9: behaviour of sort.............................................. :      5
10: xfce setup?.................................................... :      4

                         Top 1 cross-posted groups
 1: alt.os.linux................................................... :     28

                        Top 5 User Agents by poster
 1: Mozilla........................................................ :      8
 2: slrn........................................................... :      3
 3: Pan............................................................ :      3
 4: Unknown........................................................ :      2
 5: Opera Mail..................................................... :      1

                    Top 5 User Agents by number of posts
 1: slrn...................................................... :    44 (48%)
 2: Mozilla................................................... :    20 (22%)
 3: Pan....................................................... :    16 (17%)
 4: Opera Mail................................................ :    10 (11%)
 5: unknown................................................... :     2 ( 2%)

                             Top 10 time zones
 1: UTC............................................................ :     51
 2: -0600.......................................................... :     13
 3: -0500.......................................................... :     11
 4: +1100.......................................................... :      7
 5: -0800.......................................................... :      5
 6: +0100.......................................................... :      5

This was auto-posted using a script by Garry Knight.
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