Path: ...!!!!!!3my8gGK7ESrpx0+4iQgUXA.user.!not-for-mail From: Christophe PEREZ Newsgroups: fr.comp.os.linux.configuration Subject: lenteur disque =?ISO-8859-15?Q?(=E0?= confirmer) Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2021 19:12:20 -0400 Organization: NNTP Server Message-ID: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Injection-Info:; logging-data="6326"; posting-host=""; mail-complaints-to=""; X-Notice: Filtered by postfilter v. 0.9.2 X-Newsreader: Claws Mail 3.18.0 (GTK+ 2.24.33; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) Bytes: 9456 Lines: 163 Bonjour, J'ai un (vieux) PC sous Gentoo que je trouve subitement (vraiment du jour au lendemain) tr=E8s tr=E8s lent. Pour vous donner une id=E9e de cette lenteur, habituellement, son backup complet de 6Go par bacula se fait en 10mn environ. L=E0, il en est =E0 220Mo en 50mn. J'ai d'abord pens=E9 que =E7a pouvait =EAtre un pb r=E9seau (il est en fila= ire) mais les tests que j'ai pu faire (simple wget gros fichier) n'ont rien r=E9l=E9v=E9 d'anormal. Ce n'est pas de la charge proc (un Quad core), un top ne donne rien du tout. Il ne s'est rien pass=E9 au niveau logiciel =E0 ce moment entre temps, pas la moindre mise =E0 jour. J'en d=E9duis que =E7a pourrait =EAtre un probl=E8me de lenteur disque. Ce PC contient le premier SSD que j'ai eu, et je n'ai aucune exp=E9rience de SSD d=E9faillant. Le r=E9sultat d'un hdparm -tT /dev/sdb me laisse sceptique par rapport =E0 mes autres PC avec SSD : /dev/sdb: Timing cached reads: 2694 MB in 2.00 seconds =3D 1347.05 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 390 MB in 3.00 seconds =3D 129.87 MB/sec Un smartctl -l ne m'indique rien de particulier =E0 mes yeux. Voici le smartctl -a =3D=3D=3D START OF INFORMATION SECTION =3D=3D=3D Model Family: SandForce Driven SSDs Device Model: KINGSTON SV300S37A120G Serial Number: 50026B776B030418 LU WWN Device Id: 5 0026b7 76b030418 Firmware Version: 60AABBF0 User Capacity: 120=A0034=A0123=A0776 bytes [120 GB] Sector Size: 512 bytes logical/physical Rotation Rate: Solid State Device TRIM Command: Available Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show] ATA Version is: ATA8-ACS, ACS-2 T13/2015-D revision 3 SATA Version is: SATA 3.0, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 1.5 Gb/s) Local Time is: Sun Dec 5 18:56:31 2021 AST SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. SMART support is: Enabled =3D=3D=3D START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION =3D=3D=3D SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED General SMART Values: Offline data collection status: (0x03) Offline data collection activity is in progress. Auto Offline Data Collection: Disabled. Self-test execution status: ( 243) Self-test routine in progress... 30% of test remaining. Total time to complete Offline=20 data collection: ( 612) seconds. Offline data collection capabilities: (0x7d) SMART execute Offline immediate. No Auto Offline data collection support. Abort Offline collection upon new command. Offline surface scan supported. Self-test supported. Conveyance Self-test supported. Selective Self-test supported. SMART capabilities: (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering power-saving mode. Supports SMART auto save timer. Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported. General Purpose Logging supported. Short self-test routine=20 recommended polling time: ( 1) minutes. Extended self-test routine recommended polling time: ( 48) minutes. Conveyance self-test routine recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes. SCT capabilities: (0x0025) SCT Status supported. SCT Data Table supported. SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10 Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds: ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME FLAG VALUE WORST THRESH TYPE UPDATED WHEN_FAILED RAW_VALUE 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x0032 095 095 050 Old_age Always - 0/4950862 5 Retired_Block_Count 0x0033 100 100 003 Pre-fail Always - 0 9 Power_On_Hours_and_Msec 0x0032 093 093 000 Old_age Always - 6874h+49m+23.340s 12 Power_Cycle_Count 0x0032 098 098 000 Old_age Always - 2349 171 Program_Fail_Count 0x000a 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0 172 Erase_Fail_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0 174 Unexpect_Power_Loss_Ct 0x0030 000 000 000 Old_age Offline - 187 177 Wear_Range_Delta 0x0000 000 000 000 Old_age Offline - 3 181 Program_Fail_Count 0x000a 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0 182 Erase_Fail_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0 187 Reported_Uncorrect 0x0012 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0 189 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0000 045 058 000 Old_age Offline - 45 (Min/Max 20/58) 194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022 045 058 000 Old_age Always - 45 (Min/Max 20/58) 195 ECC_Uncorr_Error_Count 0x001c 120 120 000 Old_age Offline - 0/4950862 196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0033 100 100 003 Pre-fail Always - 0 201 Unc_Soft_Read_Err_Rate 0x001c 120 120 000 Old_age Offline - 0/4950862 204 Soft_ECC_Correct_Rate 0x001c 120 120 000 Old_age Offline - 0/4950862 230 Life_Curve_Status 0x0013 100 100 000 Pre-fail Always - 100 231 SSD_Life_Left 0x0000 098 098 011 Old_age Offline - 4294967297 233 SandForce_Internal 0x0032 000 000 000 Old_age Always - 9808 234 SandForce_Internal 0x0032 000 000 000 Old_age Always - 14818 241 Lifetime_Writes_GiB 0x0032 000 000 000 Old_age Always - 14818 242 Lifetime_Reads_GiB 0x0032 000 000 000 Old_age Always - 24259 244 Unknown_Attribute 0x0000 098 098 010 Old_age Offline - 6881342 SMART Error Log not supported SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1 Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error # 1 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2908 - # 2 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2903 - # 3 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2887 - # 4 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2876 - # 5 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2870 - # 6 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2861 - # 7 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2851 - # 8 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2843 - # 9 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2836 - #10 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2824 - #11 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2818 - #12 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2807 - #13 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2797 - #14 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2788 - #15 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2777 - #16 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2774 - #17 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2772 - #18 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2770 - #19 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2768 - #20 Short offline Interrupted (host reset) 40% 2767 - #21 Short offline Completed without error 00% 2765 - SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1 SPAN MIN_LBA MAX_LBA CURRENT_TEST_STATUS 1 0 0 Not_testing 2 0 0 Not_testing 3 0 0 Not_testing 4 0 0 Not_testing 5 0 0 Not_testing Selective self-test flags (0x0): After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk. If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay. Est-ce un disque qui l=E2che ? Je ne vois rien qui le dise, mais je ne vois que =E7a qui puisse =EAtre en cause. Merci d'avance.