Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail From: Jos Boersema Newsgroups: soc.culture.jewish Subject: Warning: return to the Torah, or face worse than the Nazi holocaust Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 16:18:35 -0000 (UTC) Organization: A noiseless patient Spider Lines: 314 Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Injection-Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 16:18:35 -0000 (UTC) Injection-Info:; posting-host="b3d790f2bf2cc97c66cf647129a3bf75"; logging-data="1671007"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX18O/GxlJv5zrI7gt/DZuLjB" User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Linux) Cancel-Lock: sha1:I+A8neIVZ9iirS0xvi4NT1zZHAc= Bytes: 21186 link: title: הרב סינגר על הטבח הנורא והקשר לישעיהו טו כג, הרצאה מחשמלת -Rabbi Tovia Singer source: Tovia Singer The Bush crime family was ordered to finance Hitler, through a Dutch 'Bank van Handel en Scheepvaart'. The USA ruling class also helped with weapons for the early Nazis, so the Weimar Republic could not suppress them. Prescott Bush was convicted. Later this crime family is helped to the Presidency, which implies ratification of the Nazi regime and the American strategy around it, by the American people. If we see the abuses, massacres and lies by the American people against the native indians, we know that these people at the root are a criminal people (which seems to be the norm on Earth for all Nations, that their Governments can easily be branded as common criminals for some of their decisions and misbehavior). Nuremburg was a show trial meaning nothing. How many Russians did Germany kill, for no reason ? How many Jewish people, how many resistance people in all Nations, how much damage done to so many Nations, including Germany itself, and for all that how many where hung, and how many businesses where disowned or destroyed ? I.B.M. neither. The system is still the same, the people are still the same, nothing has been learned, and therefore these things will happen again. The German Nazis where a massive and unprecedented success for the early USA Imperial ruling class, their foot in the door to the world stage. It was their war from start to finish. In terms of war, it was masterful I guess. Bringing their most powerful enemies, everyone from London to Moscow, into conflict with each other, having the Nazis do massive damage to their future would be political opposition (mostly if not exclusively the political left that is, not to be confused with anything existing in the USA nowadays). After their enemies had fought themselves to depletion, these fake friends called USA marched in pretending to liberate what they had help enslave and destroy. A game of _good cop, bad cop_ on a global scale. With so much success, it is no surprise why under the pretentious Obama regime the USA tried to do it again, only a little further to the east this time (the Obama Nazi coup in Kiev, 2014). This time though, they had to hide their Nazis, because Naziism is still deeply unpopular, except with some radicals on the extreme right (street scum and the like). In religious terms, the situation for the Jewish Nations is even more frightening, because they have decided against the Torah to which they are sworn on pain of death to their God (the Creator of Everything, which is some God to have I suppose !). The Rabbis decided against the Torah with their snake Hillel and that was probably the end already. They ruined themselves, by following the ways of the Nations. If you see how close German Jewry was to the Torah, and compare it to modern American Jewry, I would think that the German exile was much closer than the Americans are now, but still their God annihilated them, sometimes woman with babies on their arms being killed. It is incomprehensible to me how the Jewish people can believe a lie like the prosbul, but I guess it is even worse. Nobody can believe a lie like that, you would have to be a retard unable to walk alone on the pavement to believe that. They don't believe it, nobody believes it. It is an act of open treason, of rebellion, willfull rebellion against heaven and their God. They want to see how far they can get, going against the Torah. The Nazi holocaust may have been only a warning of what is to come ... You have been warned, and you too, Tovia Singer. You don't have to fear me at all, I won't do a thing against the Jewish people, except trying to help them, as everyone should. However, I am not the boss of Creation, that would be your God, who is keeping you to your promise in the desert. You have to keep that promise, or there is no future for humanity. The Nations are even more brainless, they need an example, you have to be it. If you don't do it, the entire Earth could become like Auschwitz, but worse, even forever. What do we see most in history: Tyranny or democracy ? Even today almost all businesses are dictatorships, and there is on real freedom, no Justice, no peace. It is a mad house on Earth. Temporarily it seems fairly livable, but this is going to change due to the absurd behavior and political apathy of humanity. The Creator does not hesitate to plant, or to rip out (that is a loose quote from the Tanach, iirc). Israel is dancing before an idol in the desert, they created a State without the Torah, without the truth, in America the Jewish people are probably the most lawless that Jewish people have ever been since Abraham. In this mess, they think "October" is as bad as it gets ? They think that _"never again, and we meant is"_ has any meaning, has any power, without your Torah ? What do you want to do, without your God. 10 Million Jewish people without their God, versus 80 Million Turks and 80 Million Iranians, and whoever else ? Remember the European (and American) ruling class, which are criminals, are also against you. How are you managing that without your God, how are you winning this if there is nothing much to fight for. Fighting for a life without the truth, living the Big Lie yourself now ? Return to the Torah, or face the deadly and worse consequences, as described in your Torah. If you cannot overthrow your Hillel and your treasonous Rabbinical Judaism, then I dare say, your God will probably have to overthrow you. Return to your law and live forever, or remain a traitor and never come back. Hillel is your snake. Oh he was so nice they say. Wasn't the snake trying to be nice too ? You are supposed to be man enough to see through the lies, and if you are not, then maybe you cannot be a human in the end, you cannot be trusted with keeping this world. I realize you (Jewish people) will not listen now, as expected and it has been proven already. You are thinking too highly of yourselves, and then you turn that around. All kinds of mental gymnastics, until you have it your way. In the end, it won't stand. When things get serious, perhaps you will want to listen finally, when you see the consequences of your choices on the big stage, so to say. Remember that this was about debt ? Hillel with his lies about debt. It was more and perhaps worse, but this is part of it all, the treason of the Jewish people against their Torah, against Moshe Rabbeinu and his prophets. If you don't know that this world right now is destroyed by debt, you don't have a clue about what is going on. The National Debt is a pyramid scam, and it is blowing up while people look the other way. Where is the holy Nation ? Where is the most beloved of the peoples ? Where is the example ? Where are the heroes who fear their God, facing death without fear ? Where are you ?! Where are you ? We are here again, on the eve of another holocaust, likely much worse than the first one. You are called to REPENT, plain and simple, in your face. REPENT now. NOW. Yet, you refuse, you page through your mind until you have an excuse, an accusation, a reason, anything, whatever works for you, whatever makes you feel good, reach the next minute in an easy way. It will become the hard way in the end. You have been warned, and with reasons shown what is going on, and what you (Jewish people) could do about it. Stop worrying about who is writing this, is that all you care about ? Character politics is the lowest form of politics. Raise yourself up. Focus on the content. Stop being a child. Stand for your Torah, for the truth, against the hardest foe of all: your own, your own people, your own family, even your own history perhaps. Can you be brave like Moshe Rabbeinu ? Did he break with everything, for the sake of Justice ? He did. I am not even asking you to murder a murderer or a killer and prove yourself that way, the way Moshe Rabbeinu proved himself. You merely have to stop lying about your Torah, stop lying that your phony "sages" are above HKB'H and his Torah, with their lies such as the prosbul (Hillel) and the heter iska (Rambam/Maimonides, the Torah from Egypt, as phony a Torah as the godhood of the Pharao was phony). You are the Jewish people, there is no other. You are to be the standard of all that is good. The Jewish people are what gives humanity its honor, its chance to live, and it is an honor to write to you, and to be allowed to ask you to return to the laws given through Moshe Rabbeinu. Moshe Rabbeinu is your friend, listen to him, follow what he said you should. Stop the debt, distribute the land to all, go back to the Jubilee on land. Moshe Rabbeinu also spoke angry words with you and about you, and so did the prophets, yet they turned out to be your best friends. They told you the truth, because they care about you. Scum like Hillel the Elder or Rambam / Maimonides, who betrayed the law and had you betray your law, oh they where so friendly, so suggar sweetly gentle, or at least Hillel the Elder was claimed to be. They fooled you. The truth isn't that pretty, you aren't doing your jobs, and you will undoubtedly be punished for it, probably worse than ever, perhaps until only half a million of you survive (or about 600 000, or who knows really). You are such a hard necked people, but that is no excuse to stick to a lie like the prosbul. You have to repent from the prosbul, even if it is only for principle sake. You have to show that you are capable of catching your own lies, and come back to the truth. If you think this is mindless ranting, it was only because your mind was switched off. All of this is solid in argument and logic, it is not hard to see if you cared. This is not me (undersigned, person) writing this to you. It is not about me versus you, not about me at all, no matter how much you wished it was so that you can dismiss it. This is strictly about what is the truth, what you are sworn to, what is good and what is _necessary_ for humanity to live on Earth. Remember this story, that the angels apparently discussed if humans could live, if they could make it, and while they couldn't decide yet, the Creator said: it is done, the humans are here ? Humanity is on the edge, they are quite evil, especially brainless, very dangerously so. They destroy themselves with their ignorance and their evil, but especially their ignorance is deep. To make this work, to stabilize humanity on Earth as a new creation, a creative farming tool using monkey if you want, something has to happen, something has to change. That change, that example, that is you, and if you don't do it, I guess it is over, for both you and all of us on Earth. Youtube, quote: "We weren't able to add your reply. Please try again." P.S. (Usenet). You think, Israel, that you will be saved somehow, right ? Wasn't your 'moshiach' supposed to come before the year 6,000 ? Well, the Rabbis messed up the year count (among other things they messed up), and so you don't realize it as much as you otherwise would have, but it seems to be the year 6,004 already (!!!). You think you will be saved, if not by your God than by the IDF, right ? The hope and solution for someone who is doing wrong, is in the disaster. The hope for a child who is running wild and not careful enough about where he puts his feet, is to fall down. The hope for a child who runs around and falls down a lot but does not care, is to fall hard and suffer pain. If pain is not enough to want to stay upright, then more pain will do it. There is always a level of pain which is enough, to force someone to change their behavior. ========== REMAINDER OF ARTICLE TRUNCATED ==========