Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail From: "Davey Zimmerman #274" Newsgroups: Subject: Damn you, stalkers! Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2024 01:02:33 -0000 (UTC) Organization: Transparent Suckpoppets Of NotChud Lines: 78 Message-ID: Injection-Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2024 01:02:34 +0200 (CEST) Injection-Info:; posting-host="5f1bd736c71a8d1b818f83db55021fa1"; logging-data="2220985"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX18DaxcAemoGGaHKQ1jZDLNKCM6Bkdr2s5k=" User-Agent: Xnews/2009.05.01 Cancel-Lock: sha1:Nv2QF1W1Or+cFIgBHYu6VmxdYwE= Bytes: 4014 Keep up the good work. John has this pinned on his FarceTw*t page. "John Henry I have a stalker. They are known to reach out to people who leave positive comments, especially anything suggesting they've bought merch, subscribed, or otherwise contributed funds or goods or good will to my work here. This has been going in since 1997." 26 years of stalking? Damn, John must have some considerable evidence. But why has John let it go on for so long? Is he that fucking stupid? Magic 8-Ball say "Believe it!" "John: The person's identity is known and recently became provable to a legal standard for the first time. As of this writing processes are ongoing in pursuit of whatever legal mechanisms can be employed to deal properly with the situation, but there's little real hope of resolution through official channels. Anyone who's been through it knows what I mean." So you don't have a lawyer, can't get one to take the case on commission and you can't ever afford one. Given that the jurisdiction isn't where you are at, you won't be able to afford to travel. That means you're looking for a default judgement and hope that you'll ever collect. Which you'll abandon as soon as someone gets a judge to declare Oregon has no jusrisdiction. "John: Unfortunately when you've attracted a stalker who starts stalking everyone around you as well, you have an obligation to make people aware of it." This is where John will point to anonymous Facebook and other social media trolls with no identification. Good work, idiot. That doubles down on Oregon having no jurisdiction. "John: The whole backstory's been over a gajillion times and I'm sick of reciting it. Just know whatever untoward or gross allegations you may hear about me are exactly that." Are these the ones about how you screwed over women and their pocketbooks or molested your daughter? I understand there's actual evidence of that. Good luck, you scumbag. "John: While I doubt there's much I can do from a legal standpoint, the simple fact is that even sending these messages is a crime. A stack of crimes may get the attention that a single one won't. If you get contacted with something like this and care to share it, please feel free to message this page with screenshots or whatever." Wait a second, you were going to take legal action and now you want others to do the work for you and admit it's pointless? What happened to your 30 years of archives? Or is that just a continuing lie? Do your begging scams ever stop? "Beefy: My apologies to anyone that gets dragged into this crap enough to even know what this message is about. Been telling people this stuff was happening and nobody wanted to believe it. It gets WAY worse. But for you, just be aware that if we're cool and you say so out loud, you're likely to get one of these. Especially if you say you sent money or bought something for or from me."" Oh dear, this sounds like another attempt to get people to send more money. The sheep you're scamming are eating peanut butter and crackers for dinner. They're already broke. John is indeed a heartless scumbucket.