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From: Hibou <>
Newsgroups: fr.lettres.langue.francaise
Subject: Re: Substratum, superstratum et adstratum sont dans un bateau
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 06:52:18 +0000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Le 24/02/2024 à 02:05, Sh. Mandrake a écrit :
> Le 23/02/2024 à 12:00, BéCé a écrit :
>> "Standard european average" n'a pas de sens, en tout cas pas celui
>> voulu.
>> N'est-ce pas plutôt l' "average european standard"?
> Il s'agit en fait du Standard Average European. [...]

"Standard Average European (SAE) is a concept introduced in 1939 by 
American linguist Benjamin Whorf to group the modern Indo-European 
languages of Europe with shared common features. Whorf argued that the 
SAE languages were characterized by a number of similarities, including 
syntax and grammar, vocabulary and its use, as well as the relationship 
between contrasting words and their origins, idioms, and word order, 
which all made them stand out from many other language groups around the 
world which do not share these similarities [...]" -

(Shared et common ? Tiens donc !    :-) )