Path: ...!!!!!not-for-mail NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 20:06:46 +0000 From: john larkin Newsgroups: Subject: Re: An actual circuit Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 13:06:46 -0700 Message-ID: References: User-Agent: ForteAgent/ MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Lines: 172 X-Trace: sv3-PmpbbaD5bXLzS0ucAucfI9AUszRn6f4l4A8F2sVRoyLUBoGT7P7vRFouPRCwY4y0DS0s+IGHjyud7+k!1fq7Tuv/356L+aJUwKe7f3iIiLkukkdBgf+DkkstfVTf4WcjCCjZBsNpQJEBSJrlIYw6luSerhdc!1Aslxw== X-Complaints-To: X-DMCA-Complaints-To: X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly X-Postfilter: 1.3.40 Bytes: 5650 On Thu, 23 May 2024 15:35:00 -0400, "Edward Rawde" wrote: >I was having a conversation with a younger person who seemed to be of the >view that to make an LED flash you would need something to decide when it >should be on or off. So that would be some kind of software or digital >system. > >This reminded me of when, in my teen years, I was curious about how slow I >could make an LED flash without using any expensively large capacitors. > >I built a circuit like the one below but it needed a kick starter (another >resistor, larger capacitor and diode) to make it go at power on. > >LTSpice says the circuit below starts up with only a little imbalance in the >values of R2 and R6 but how can I be sure that a real circuit will do this >when component tolerances are taken into account? > >Watch out for line wraps and 0.1 uF character encoding issues. The jfet astable is cute. I had a high-voltage supply and wanted to blink an LED when there was potentially dangerous voltage. I used a Supertex depletion fet to charge a cap, and a diac to dump into the LED at about 1 Hz. Five parts, including the LED. > >Version 4 >SHEET 1 1396 772 >WIRE -144 -512 -384 -512 >WIRE -16 -512 -144 -512 >WIRE 496 -512 -16 -512 >WIRE 624 -512 496 -512 >WIRE -144 -432 -144 -512 >WIRE -16 -432 -16 -512 >WIRE 496 -432 496 -512 >WIRE 624 -432 624 -512 >WIRE -208 -272 -272 -272 >WIRE -144 -272 -144 -368 >WIRE -144 -272 -208 -272 >WIRE -16 -272 -16 -352 >WIRE 32 -272 -16 -272 >WIRE 64 -272 32 -272 >WIRE 176 -272 128 -272 >WIRE 352 -272 304 -272 >WIRE 448 -272 416 -272 >WIRE 496 -272 496 -352 >WIRE 496 -272 448 -272 >WIRE 624 -272 624 -368 >WIRE 688 -272 624 -272 >WIRE 752 -272 688 -272 >WIRE -384 -256 -384 -512 >WIRE -16 -192 -16 -272 >WIRE 496 -192 496 -272 >WIRE 96 -128 32 -128 >WIRE 176 -128 304 -272 >WIRE 176 -128 96 -128 >WIRE 304 -128 176 -272 >WIRE 384 -128 304 -128 >WIRE 448 -128 384 -128 >WIRE -144 -48 -144 -272 >WIRE 624 -48 624 -272 >WIRE -16 0 -16 -96 >WIRE -16 0 -80 0 >WIRE 496 0 496 -96 >WIRE 560 0 496 0 >WIRE 176 16 176 -128 >WIRE 304 16 304 -128 >WIRE -16 32 -16 0 >WIRE 496 32 496 0 >WIRE -144 96 -144 48 >WIRE 624 96 624 48 >WIRE -384 208 -384 -176 >WIRE -144 208 -144 176 >WIRE -144 208 -384 208 >WIRE -16 208 -16 112 >WIRE -16 208 -144 208 >WIRE 176 208 176 96 >WIRE 176 208 -16 208 >WIRE 304 208 304 96 >WIRE 304 208 176 208 >WIRE 496 208 496 112 >WIRE 496 208 304 208 >WIRE 624 208 624 176 >WIRE 624 208 496 208 >WIRE -384 240 -384 208 >FLAG 32 -272 leftd >FLAG 448 -272 rightd >FLAG 96 -128 leftg >FLAG 384 -128 rightg >FLAG -384 240 0 >FLAG -208 -272 leftled >FLAG 688 -272 rightled >SYMBOL njf 448 -192 R0 >WINDOW 0 0 -11 Left 2 >WINDOW 3 -59 98 Left 2 >SYMATTR InstName J1 >SYMATTR Value 2N3819 >SYMBOL njf 32 -192 M0 >WINDOW 0 7 -9 Left 2 >WINDOW 3 -64 100 Left 2 >SYMATTR InstName J2 >SYMATTR Value 2N3819 >SYMBOL npn 560 -48 R0 >WINDOW 0 61 31 Left 2 >WINDOW 3 61 69 Left 2 >SYMATTR InstName Q2 >SYMATTR Value 2N3904 >SYMBOL res -32 -448 R0 >SYMATTR InstName R2 >SYMATTR Value 2.7k >SYMBOL res 480 -448 R0 >SYMATTR InstName R6 >SYMATTR Value 3.3k >SYMBOL voltage -384 -272 R0 >WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0 >WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0 >SYMATTR InstName V1 >SYMATTR Value 12 >SYMBOL cap 64 -256 R270 >WINDOW 0 32 32 VTop 2 >WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 2 >SYMATTR InstName C2 >SYMATTR Value 0.1µ >SYMATTR SpiceLine V=25 Irms=0 Rser=0.0173 Lser=350p mfg="Würth Elektronik" >pn="885012207072 WCAP-CSGP 0805" type="X7R" >SYMBOL res 480 16 R0 >SYMATTR InstName R7 >SYMATTR Value 1k >SYMBOL npn -80 -48 M0 >WINDOW 0 57 22 Left 2 >WINDOW 3 55 56 Left 2 >SYMATTR InstName Q3 >SYMATTR Value 2N3904 >SYMBOL res -32 16 R0 >SYMATTR InstName R3 >SYMATTR Value 1k >SYMBOL res 160 0 R0 >SYMATTR InstName R4 >SYMATTR Value 10Meg >SYMBOL res 288 0 R0 >SYMATTR InstName R5 >SYMATTR Value 10Meg >SYMBOL res 608 80 R0 >SYMATTR InstName R8 >SYMATTR Value 150 >SYMBOL res -160 80 R0 >SYMATTR InstName R1 >SYMATTR Value 150 >SYMBOL LED 608 -432 R0 >WINDOW 0 31 -3 Left 2 >WINDOW 3 33 77 Left 2 >SYMATTR InstName D7 >SYMATTR Value NSCW100 >SYMBOL LED -160 -432 R0 >WINDOW 0 -32 3 Left 2 >WINDOW 3 -113 67 Left 2 >SYMATTR InstName D6 >SYMATTR Value NSCW100 >SYMBOL cap 352 -256 R270 >WINDOW 0 32 32 VTop 2 >WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 2 >SYMATTR InstName C3 >SYMATTR Value 0.1µ >SYMATTR SpiceLine V=25 Irms=0 Rser=0.0173 Lser=350p mfg="Würth Elektronik" >pn="885012207072 WCAP-CSGP 0805" type="X7R" >TEXT -344 240 Left 2 !.tran 1000 >