Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail From: Jos Boersema Newsgroups: soc.culture.jewish Subject: Hillel the Elder, Rambam/Maimonides, frauds, serve the rich & greedy. Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 20:24:47 -0000 (UTC) Organization: A noiseless patient Spider Lines: 387 Message-ID: Injection-Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 22:24:48 +0200 (CEST) Injection-Info:; posting-host="ee3d5a90b644c13449f0b4bd82b5d190"; logging-data="2352330"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX19ejxShpUc5a2PSGFPp/0c0" User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Linux) Cancel-Lock: sha1:yxPusU+P31LmkVmKJGX+uf3yrD0= Bytes: 23664 title: MASHIACH HATES STUPID PEOPLE! link: source: The Gates Of Mordehay Comment: Funny how you bring up the topic of _anti-semitism_ (hatred of Jewish people, typically by ignorant if not evil people), and then start quoting Rambam, while having posed the question what _Hashem_ wants with this anti-semitism. You don't see the craziness in this ? I guess not (sigh). You (all) are breaking the Torah, as you (grrrr) well know, on the topic of loans. Prosbul (made up by traitor Hillel the Elder), and *Heter Iska* made up by - you guessed it: Rambam. You asked what the Creator wants with the anti-semitism ? No need to ask of course, it is written in the curses section of the Torah. You are punished for following people like Rambam (take interest on loans from your own people), as opposed to listen to Hashem (no interest and debt forgiveness). (This is probably not the whole story, but it is part of it.) You won't listen, as usual, because this is just another _ignorant if not evil Usenet comment_ (right?), not worthy of a reply let alone to start to do Teshuvah (what?! right?) ... and so the world spins towards the 2nd holocaust with the foot off the brakes, yet they wonder why it all happens. It happens because people don't seem to take anything serious anymore, Jewish people included now. Admit the prosbul is a lie, admit the heter iska is a lie, admit you have been following traitors, don sackcloth and ashes, sit around to do Teshuvah, show your people you are doing Teshuvah and breaking with the traitors, and (after everything else too of course, that there is to the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu) then you can ask HKB'H for help and maybe can expect something (like hopefully surviving the probably coming 2nd holocaust, both in USA and Eretz Yisroel I guess, 7 times worse than the Nazis, 95% of all Jewish people will probably die (sorry)). Isaiah: only a _remnant_ will return. Then - like 'the autists' said- try to be that remnant ! Separate from those who wish to serve the rich (Hillel, Rambam). You see how twisted it all has become ? Rambam, himself a traitor and of ignorance, lectures the world in his book about what is good and wise. Did Rambam oppose Hillel the Elder at least, and his cursed prosbul ? Probably not, and that is already bad enough. You went back to Egypt, this is the Torah from Egypt (Hillel, Rambam). You're lost, you cannot be Redeemed this way. The fire of greed created by Hillel/Rambam in the economy is one thing, but the dishonesty about it is yet another thing. Maybe the economy, if all was right, could survive this corruption, but what about the dishonesty of something like a prosbul or heter iska ? The sheer ... craziness and audacity of it, and who dare to support it. What does that mean, what else will they do, how deep is their ignorance, or how bold is their will to break down what Moshe Rabbeinu set up ? Yeah, you don't have an answer, right ? Seen it all before. Don't come back later and complain. (I don't argue the details of prosbul/heter iska right now, because it is too obvious and already did it dozens of times, and it takes a lot of paragraphs to get into the details.) You should reply with something like this: I looked it up, prosbul is indeed fraud, heter iska is also deeply suspect, I did Teshuvah and am working on my people to do the same. If you do, I hope you will soon live in the Redemption. If not, you probably can _never_ be Redeemed, and never will live in the Redemption, because you are destroying it from the inside out. Cancelling this comment does not cancel the truth it may contain. Have an awesome day. * Continuing on Usenet ... Will the above comment be the straw wich tips the scales, and suddenly the Redemption has started ? Very very unlikely, not after all that has happened, on this topic but also within the Jewish people themselves over the centuries. Debates have been had, and already lost, with seemingly no energy to revisit them. Things therefore seem to more and more shape up along the lines of Isaiah, saying that only a remnant will return. Given the way how the Jewish people now react to "October" (this is how they call the massacre near Gaza, the attack by Hamas), I sometimes get the impression that they think it cannot get any worse than that, although the Nazi holocaust was of course incomparably worse. Some of them, maybe many, seem to think that after this attack by Hamaz, they will keep winning the war and that is it. Their King will appear, and that will be the Redemption, and I guess basically everything will remain the way it is now, except it will be called the Redemption and they won a small war ? Imagine the gulf of concept which lies between that belief, where the Zionist State just goes on as now, perhaps with a minor change in Government structures and a new belief of unity around their new King or whatever, and ... .... All the land in Eretz Yisroel, certainly which is under Jewish control, to be measured and what is good for economic production will be distributed as a free right to all ... .... The Rabbis being exposed as creating the exile with their Hillel and Rambam, who broke down the Torah ... Rabbinical Judaism: done for, over. The "Oral Tradition" exposed as fake. The Torah however, is not fake, but good. .... Family values completely back to the time of Moshe Rabbeinu, with possible banishment for people suffering from homoexuality (it is death under Torah law, by the way). .... Basically everyone who wants a hedonistic life, does not care about the common welfare at all but is simply and exclusively obsessed about their bigger car bigger vacation bigger house and bigger icecreams (etc), just left and never comes back. .... Israel completely out of the United Nations (if that even still exists) and no longer in alliance with the treachorous Americans (it is merely a step toward a Tyrannical one world order). .... A lot of care given to the environment. .... Personal luxury toned down dramatically, especially for those who want excess (the rich and greedy). Poor people on the other hand, lifted up toward decent living standards, pretty much due to their own hard work using their land and the available market opportunities. That is how you solve poverty (in my opinion): give people opportunity in the form of raw but valuable land, and remove the chokehold of the super rich criminals over the economy so that very small initiatives can break into the market and flourish, not for the sake of becoming the next psycthopathic multinational looting operation, but for the sake of their children (for crying out loud). .... Just a humble small Nation, of people who want to be good and live. Live to enjoy the small things in life, and above all: to live, to experience. I suppose these two visions of what a good nation is, and what actually will happen in Eretz Yisroel, could go a little together in theory, but it is clear that almost nobody even on the side of the religious has enough care to get serious on their internal corruption (which in the case of the Rabbis, is about Hillel and Rambam, and probably other Rabbis who broke down the Torah, then probably getting the support of the rich to spread that message if it suited them ?). These Jewish people, who think it is merely a small war and soon a few stickers will change and that will be Israel forever, they do not seem to take the Torah seriously, and also not how severe the issue of war will likely become in the end. The Zionist State has maybe 10 Million total population now ? Iran recently openly attacked them in a big wave of artillery / rockets, but Iran is 80 million people, and other Nations around the zionist State are similarly vastly outnumbering the Zionist State. All these foreign Nations can already be called Empires in their own right. Turkey, Iran, Egypt, this is an incredible amount of people together. It is like two hands, and the Zionists are a fly in between. How can they win this without the help of the Creator himself ? They think they earn that help, but their Torah is quite weak, so how is that supposed to work out. If they did the above points, their Torah would be much stronger, but they do not want to do that (for now) Historically, Israel suffered much worse than this Hamas attack, incomparably worse. The whole moral situation (the amount of their Torah law keeping) of Israel is probably worse compared to what it was before the second world war. The ruling class criminals of the world will always have an interest in destroying the Torah on Earth, because it contains morality they are afraid off, and destroying the Torah has to mean to destroy Israel. Get that: all the ruling classes of sufficient sophistication in the world, and that can be from the halls of Imperial Chinese power which goes back many thousands of years (they have seen it all), Russia, middle east, America, Europe, all the criminals in the top who know that they are self admitted evil people and want to be evil, they know they have everything to fear from "the Torah movement" (in the broadest sense), and therefore they want to destroy that. That means to murder every single last Jew, because the Torah is in every single real Jew. It is in their hearts and minds, or at least (as Judaism has it), if they stood at Har Sinaii and said "we will hear and we will do" and they meant it - that is, to be good forever, and to be against evil forever and to the ultimate bitter end of entirely only being good, and entirely destroying all evil on Earth. In the end, it is an us or them situation. The good wins, or the bad wins. Bad will destroy good, and good will destroy bad. If you think there is a middle way, stop reading and start eating an icecream. Go play in the sand box. The tyrants are set against the good, and the good are set against the tyrants, and all to the death, forever. The war isn't over yet, but when it is, it should be forever. So ... you have a whole world ruled at the top by criminals (who don't have all the power, but they have a tremendous power nonetheless), who have extreme amounts of money (Trillions, so to say), and the most clever of them know they have to destroy every last Jew on Earth. Such criminals are probably to be found in all corners of the world, in the big Empires, where they care about how things develop in the long term. Even if what I say here is over the top, there are other reasons why Nations may want to rise against Israel, anything from jealousy to ========== REMAINDER OF ARTICLE TRUNCATED ==========