Path: ...!!!!!!not-for-mail From: dolf Newsgroups:,,uk.comp.sys.mac,edm.general, Subject: Re: Has the War Against Palestine Killed Jewish Comedy? Date: 20 May 2024 20:47:09 GMT Lines: 558 Message-ID: References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Trace: wdPLCoTthHeL7NTEa/gDVQXTdEPionJzeG2mQXJSKDLDAvxruL Cancel-Lock: sha1:jURJITm4w9SqpUq90drWWKbHCaU= sha1:byMJIU+2x5p92DVja/hhGfaShiU= sha256:5sXByku3gHgGrB7jZI17XDqhIqollwR55imeZU/JeYM= User-Agent: NewsTap/5.5 (iPhone/iPod Touch) Bytes: 28511 MICHAEL THIS SUBJECT REQUIRES YOUR URGENT ATTENTION SO PLEASE DON'T AVOID RESPONDING: Glad you are still alive Michael and that I might now discharge any accountability for a propensity or inducement of self harming behavioural consequences related to a realisation of reality -- life but not as you know it... REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM AS TABLE TALK IDEA #218 - 15 MAY 1942: "And it is these same Jews, experts in the stab-in-the-back game, over whom our bourgeoisie now sheds tears when we ship them off somewhere to the east! It is curious, all the same, that our soft-hearted bourgeoisie has never shed any tears over the two or three hundred thousand Germans, who, each year, were compelled to leave their homeland, nor over those among them who elected to go to *AUSTRALIA*, and of whom 75 per cent used to die en route. In responding with an affirmation to the consideration that the habitual BOER WAR MEMORIAL WREATH INFIDELITY as #288 - REMEMBRANCE = 48 - RITUAL (LI) x #6 - CONTRARIETY (LI) was an IMPUNITY AGAINST THE SOVEREIGN it is then an UNLAWFUL AS SEDITIOUS REPUBLICAN CAUSE CÉLÈBRE BY PREDOMINANTLY IRISH ROMAN CATHOLICS: MYSELF: "Could you ask him ah why there was no wreath laid there on the BOER WAR Memorial Day on the 31 MAY?" NOTE: SUNDAY 31 MAY 2020 WAS BOER WAR MEMORIAL DAY SIGNIFICANT WITNESS: "Hey listen mate can you just go please. Just go? MYSELF: "Why there was one laid on the 8 JUNE... JUNE 2000 [properly 2017]" SIGNIFICANT WITNESS: "Get out. Go." MYSELF: "As disloyalty to the Sovereign." SIGNIFICANT WITNESS: "Look you, you are a bloody *MENACE* in this place." NOTE: IS "bloody menace" HERE AN EUPHEMISM FOR PESTILENCE OR *VERMIN* BY VIRTUE OF LOYALTY TO THE SOVEREIGN? MYSELF: "As disloyalty to the Sovereign." MYSELF: "And why there was not one there this year on the 8 JUNE this year when there was a POPPY WREATH there on the 8 JUNE 2017." SIGNIFICANT WITNESS: "We normally place..." MYSELF: "There was no poppies in the time of the BOER WAR memorial. It was an impunity against the Sovereign." SIGNIFICANT WITNESS: (laughs) MYSELF: "It was..." SIGNIFICANT WITNESS: "We normally" MYSELF: "It was ANZAC jingoistic republicanism" SIGNIFICANT WITNESS: "We normally place one there in May when the contingents left ... (in audible)" MYSELF: "That is bullshit, that's a lie. Repeat it again." SIGNIFICANT WITNESS: "We normally place one there in May when the contingents left to go to the BOER WAR." NOTE: THAT SUNDAY PRIOR TO 31 MAY DATE ACTUALLY COMMEMORATES THE CONCLUSION OF THE WAR. MYSELF: "There is no such, there is no such artefact of history as a POPPY WREATH associated with the BOER WAR." SIGNIFICANT WITNESS: "I know that." MYSELF: "That is an impunity by JINGOIST ANZAC REPUBLICANISM." SIGNIFICANT WITNESS: "I know that." MYSELF: "IRISH CATHOLIC" SIGNIFICANT WITNESS: "I know that. You are a jerk." In the political field there is no stupider a class than the bourgeoisie. It is sufficient for an end to be put to some individual's activities, on the score that he is a public *MENACE*, and, for reasons of security, for him to be arrested, tried, condemned and put to death, and immediately these tender souls set up a howl and denounce us as brutes." [page 484] THEO (ATHEIST) BEKKERS @ 1542 HOURS ON 24 APRIL 2006: "Leave Dolf alone Athanasius. The days of ridiculing and baiting people with the problems Dolf has should be behind us. You're not doing that very well, are you? What happened to the new persona you promised us after Easter?" DOLF @ 1732 HOURS ON 24 ARIL 2006: "And what problems, beyond your imagination might they be? 'I SPEAK TO YOUR SHAME. IS IT SO, THAT THERE IS NOT A WISE MAN AMONG YOU? NO, NOT ONE THAT SHALL BE ABLE TO JUDGE BETWEEN HIS BRETHREN? BUT BROTHER GOES TO LAW WITH BROTHER, AND THAT BEFORE UNBELIEVERS.' [1 Corinthians 6:5-6]" THEO (ATHEIST) BEKKERS @ 0958 ON 26 APRIL 2006: "You have a penchant for annoying the authorities beyond the point of being ignored." THEO (ATHEIST) BEKKERS @ 0957 ON 26 APRIL 2006: "It wasn't me that called in the police to harass Dolf. It now appears they have paid him three visits since Athanasius contacted them."     #115 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 19 MAY 2024 as [#1, #3, #100, #10, #1] / #384 as [#1, #3, #100, #10, #70, #200] = ágrios (G66): {UMBRA: #384 % #41 = #15} 1) *LIVING* *OR* *GROWING* *IN* *THE* *FIELDS* *OR* *WOODS*; 1a) of animals, wild, savage; 1b) of countries, wild, uncultivated, unreclaimed; 2) of men and animals in a moral sense, wild savage, fierce; 2a) boorish, rude; 2b) *OF* *ANY* *VIOLENT* *PASSION*, *VEHEMENT*, *FURIOUS*; ATHANASIUS (COPTIC) @ 0915HOURS ON 27 APRIL 2006: "#753 - *FOUR*. The last one being able to protect him from an #384 - *IMPENDING* *ANGRY* *MOB*. Good work all round I would say. Good protective community policing. #753 as [#6, #5, #300, #2, #400, #600] = shâbath (H7673): {UMBRA: #702 % #41 = #5} 1) to cease, desist, rest; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cease; 1a2) to rest, desist (from labour); 1b) (Niphal) to cease; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to cease, put an end to; 1c2) to exterminate, destroy; 1c3) *TO* *CAUSE* *TO* *DESIST* *FROM*; 1c4) to remove; 1c5) to cause to fail; 1d) (Qal) to keep or observe the sabbath; Seems like even Dolf appreciated ("...I WILL *RID*-H7673 EVIL BEASTS OUT OF THE LAND..." [Leviticus 26:6]) the protection he was afforded. Another job well done thanks to God. Peace and grace." JANI @ 0853 HOURS ON 27 APRIL 2006: "That was the point I was trying to make. Thanks to a sensible local police force, I would have thought ..." ATHANASIUS (COPTIC) @ 0906 HOURS ON 27 APRIL 2006: "Who were given the heads up by a servant of God. :-) Like I said, 'Thanks [be] to God. :-) Peace and grace."     #103 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 21 APRIL 2023 as [#2, #5, #40, #6, #700] /     #112 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 19 MAY 2024 as [#6, #5, #40, #6, #50, #5] / [#6, #5, #5, #40, #6, #50] /     #113 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 21 APRIL 2023 as [#6, #5, #40, #6, #50, #6] / #106 as [#5, #5, #40, #6, #700] / [#5, #40, #6, #50, #5] = hâmôwn (H1995): {UMBRA: #101 % #41 = #19} 1) (Qal) *MURMUR*, *ROAR*, *CROWD*, *ABUNDANCE*, *TUMULT*, *SOUND*; 1a) sound, murmur, rush, roar; 1b) tumult, confusion; 1c) crowd, multitude; 1d) great number, abundance; 1e) abundance, wealth; PETER WOOD @ 0932 HOURS ON 27 APRIL 2006: "Thanks to them being alerted to the situation by Athanasius. Except for that, Mr. Boek might well have been 'lynched' by a (justifiably) angry mob. So we can say it was a good thing that they intervened, can't we?" DR. KEN SMITH @ 0939 HOURS ON APRIL 2006: "Australians are pretty easy-going, on the whole. Only two things seem to get them really worked up: (a) Interfering with Anzac Day; (b) Being disturbed while watching sport on TV." PETER WOOD @ 1019 HOURS ON 27 APRIL 2006: "I'm sure there must be more: (a) Interfering with Anzac Day and rightly so!" DOLF @ 0616 HOURS ON 28 APRIL 2006: "No-one from the town was there at ========== REMAINDER OF ARTICLE TRUNCATED ==========