Path: ...!!!!!from-devjntp Message-ID: <5tqdE5DGN9vct5HbMagG2FVmtA4@jntp> JNTP-Route: JNTP-DataType: Article Subject: Moving a closed system with internal devices... Newsgroups: sci.physics JNTP-HashClient: ukndmMLe-5H4VcGyMHKF3aWpdnE JNTP-ThreadID: iqn24tmaBaUv4MflZy-v_eZ0lC4 JNTP-Uri: User-Agent: Nemo/0.999a JNTP-OriginServer: Date: Tue, 02 Apr 24 23:49:25 +0000 Organization: Nemoweb JNTP-Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/ Injection-Info:; posting-host="601f4a4a60dc6043f0c3ab83656fd85fb6bc327d"; logging-data="2024-04-02T23:49:25Z/8803327"; posting-account=""; mail-complaints-to="" JNTP-ProtocolVersion: 0.21.1 JNTP-Server: PhpNemoServer/0.94.5 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-JNTP-JsonNewsGateway: 0.96 From: Arindam Banerjee Bytes: 3307 Lines: 52 From a post in sci.physics.research, a moderated group where I cannot post. But it looks like they are getting there, with my ideas relating to inertia violation involving lack of reaction in electromagnetic rail guns. Note, what follows below is basically from my book "To the stars!" published online in 2000. It is about moving a body with internal force With no assistance from neutrinos, let me add! :-) While it is impossible to have neutrino sources, one can pass a huge current through a moving conductor. Cheers, Arindam Banerjee **** Gedanken experiment. Consider a rectangular parallelepiped box. The box is closed and isolated from the outside. Let A be one of the faces (walls) of the box and let B be the opposite wall. Let X be the direction that goes from A to B. Suppose that, with the help of some device attached to wall A, a body of mass m is thrown from this wall A towards wall B where it hits and bounces back. The law of conservation of momentum predicts that the "throw" will necessarily produce a recoil of the box that will acquire a momentum increase in the semi direction =E2=80=93X that equals (and cancels) the momentum along the semi direction +X acquired by the body of mass m during the "throw". Similarly, when the body hits the wall B, it will give to the box a momentum increase (along the semi direction +X) that equals and cancels the momentum change (along the semi direction -X) that the wall B gives to the body making it bounce back. Therefore, on the whole, mainstream physics predicts that the box (including all its content, i.e. the body m and the device attached to the box that throws the mass along AB) will not suffer any net impulse. Therefore the energy released by the device that throws the mass cannot be used to propel the box (i.e. to change its initial velocity relative to an inertial reference frame). Suppose now that an intense source of neutrinos is located at the center of the box. - snip - ************************