Path: ...!!!!not-for-mail NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2024 15:10:50 +0000 Subject: Re: Do you condemn Hamas? From: (Danart) Newsgroups: talk.politics.misc Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit User-Agent: newsSync 666975223 References: Message-ID: Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2024 15:10:50 +0000 Lines: 396 X-Usenet-Provider: X-Trace: sv3-EWyMU03I4+V0WIxZKg1Nl/qKIzahLnR/BUG9VVWQDz4Tu8Ki7nwgejB9BgBdtsgurerSD/vUVJ8kY8V!bMrIhjlHrm2F4ZnSo2J4vtHye5Ppb+j18AG1BnB9A9lDIrmp9jVeIyQHXK9VvM3qN3Y914uqrHNw!3w== X-Complaints-To: X-DMCA-Notifications: X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly X-Postfilter: 1.3.40 Bytes: 18558 X-Original-Lines: 1 > NefeshBarYochai wrote: > This question became seemingly ubiquitous following October 7. As > Palestinians defied the imagination, breaking out of Gaza after over a > decade and a half of living under total air, land, and sea blockade, > many found themselves having to face this question. > > Whether it be from Zionists using the violence we witnessed on that > day as a means of creating story after story of atrocity propaganda — > to force well-meaning allies into a corner or even those who genuinely > considered themselves pro-Palestine who struggled with the reality of > decolonial violence — the question of whether or not Palestinian armed > resistance factions deserved support or criticism became a major point > of contention. It was easy for many to support the cause of > Palestinian liberation when they viewed Palestinians as perfect > victims, but when Palestinians fought back, suddenly the question of > solidarity became muddled. > > Months later, after tens of thousands of Palestinians have been > murdered by Israeli Occupation Forces in Gaza amid an ongoing > genocide, and after thousands in the West Bank have found themselves > imprisoned or under regular attack, sympathy for those resisting their > own annihilation has grown, with the conversation becoming more clear > than it was in the days proceeding October 7. As videos spread by > resistance factions across Gaza and Lebanon find a regular and > enthusiastic audience and chants in support of those putting their > lives on the line take root in protests nationwide, it is clear many > have grown to accept the necessity of armed struggle in the > Palestinian context, though a true consensus has yet to be achieved. > > To that end, the answer to the question “Do you condemn Hamas?,” > particularly for those of us on the Left as we analyze the history of > Palestine and why resistance occurs in a colonial context, should have > always been clear. > > A violent phenomenon > > As Frantz Fanon’s oft-cited statement from Wretched of the Earth has > made clear, national liberation, national reawakening, restoration of > the nation to the Commonwealth, whatever the name used, whatever the > latest expression — decolonization is always a violent event. > Palestine is not an exception to this reality. > > The colonization of Palestine by Zionists, like all colonialism > throughout history, brought with it widespread and constant violence > levied in all forms against the Palestinian people. This was by > design, as the very nature of settler colonialism is a necessarily > brutal one given the end goal of the wholesale elimination of the > Indigenous population in all forms but nostalgia. This violence does > not simply manifest itself through the military campaigns waged by > Zionist settlers and the Israeli occupation army, but through every > part of the colonial endeavor itself — an endeavor that can only be > sustained through the suffering, exploitation, repression, and death > of Palestinians and all else that the colony wishes to conquer. > > Palestinians, whether in Occupied Palestine, in refugee camps in > bordering nations, or in the diaspora around the world, are forced > every single day to wrestle with the reality of this settler colonial > violence. The very existence of the Zionist project poses an > existential threat to the lives of millions, who have in some cruel > twist of reality been deemed existential threats by the project for > the simple reason that their existence undermines its legitimacy. > > This violence does not occur without resistance. Throughout history, > whether it be in Algeria, South Africa, Ireland, or Palestine, > colonized people have risen up in the face of brutal violence to free > themselves from the shackles of their own oppression. This resistance > does not generally start as armed struggle, but through civil > disobedience, protests, general strikes, and similar tactics. Yet when > these tactics fail, as they often have, or when exceptional violence > is waged against the people in response, armed struggle becomes a > necessity. > > The colonial power, its legitimacy owed solely to the force it > undertakes to maintain its existence, creates the conditions for the > resistance that will rise against it. The more violence and repression > colonized people face, the more they resist. Violent resistance > becomes mainstream out of sheer necessity given their material > conditions. This creates a cycle of violence, one perpetuated first > and foremost by the violence of the colonial entity itself. > > Even before the official foundation of the Zionist project in 1948, > this cycle was well established. The Balfour Declaration came into > existence in 1917, signifying Britain’s official endorsement of > Zionist aspirations. By 1929, a fifth of Palestinians found themselves > landless. By the 1930s, many Palestinians found themselves unemployed > and economically destitute, as Zionist capital, backed by favorable > imperial British laws and treatment, began flowing ever more > intensively into Palestine, according to Ghassan Kanafani’s seminal > work on the 1936 Great Palestinian Revolt. > > These factors spurred resistance of their own variety, including the > Buraq Uprising of 1929, efforts by Palestinians to pool resources to > purchase land, sporadic violence, as well as Palestinian notables > lobbying for better treatment from their British overlords. This blend > of violent and non-violent efforts would all be suppressed or > ultimately met with limited success. > > In 1936, when British forces murdered Syrian revolutionary figure > Shaykh ‘Izz al-Din al-Qassam, Palestinian popular resentment turned > into a general strike, and ultimately into popular revolt, which was > put down brutally by Zionist and British forces by 1939. Only a few > years later, Zionists would ethnically cleanse more than 750,000 > Palestinians from upwards of 530 cities, towns, and villages and kill > thousands more in what Palestinians refer to as the Nakba, or the > “catastrophe”. These ethnic cleansing campaigns continue up to the > modern day. > > Palestinians would rise up as a result of the subjugation they faced, > again through a combination of violent and non-violent struggle that > would be met with even more violent oppression. When Palestinians > waged cross-border raids into occupied territory, they were met with a > Zionist invasion in Lebanon and massacres at Sabra and Shatila. When > Palestinians rose up during the First and Second Intifadas, they were > met with violent crackdowns, mass arrests, and widespread violence > that would lead to the intensification of their own violent resistance > efforts. When Palestinians in Gaza took to marching to the wall that > surrounded them in the March of Great Return, hundreds were killed and > thousands more injured by Israeli soldiers. The cycle of violence > continued and intensified. > > Fast forwarding to today, Palestinians continue to live in bantustans > in the West Bank, and what could functionally be described as a > concentration camp in Gaza, with Palestinians in the 1948 and 1967 > territories living under brutal apartheid management structures. They > have resisted every step of the way, each time seeing thousands > imprisoned, murdered, displaced, and millions utterly subjugated and > exploited as the Zionist project continues toward the ultimate goal of > eliminating them in all forms but nostalgia. ========== REMAINDER OF ARTICLE TRUNCATED ==========