Path: ...!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail From: Jos Boersema Newsgroups: soc.culture.jewish Subject: Israel now is not like Moshe Rabbeinu, neither are the Rabbis. Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 16:09:15 -0000 (UTC) Organization: A noiseless patient Spider Lines: 474 Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Injection-Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 18:09:16 +0200 (CEST) Injection-Info:; posting-host="41978cbbc1fd319a72c1f238b19ebe7e"; logging-data="4032115"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX19ZduSPo6k9q+IJIJOHYD0b" User-Agent: slrn/1.0.3 (Linux) Cancel-Lock: sha1:Pf2KpXTt2cQkyQSCT3ZUZOwr6bo= Bytes: 31308 title: Is Moshiach in Our Midst? What to expect in the End Times -Rabbi Tovia Singer source: Seeking to Serve link: What a mistake to make, to think that Israel in its current can be compared to Moshe Rabbeinu standing before the Pharao, and to think that _you_ are right and _they_ are wrong. You are _all wrong,_ much like Israel was when there was no Moshe Rabbeinu yet, all living in Egypt. None of you has "repented". Jeebus the bastard is your Messiah, the one who overthrew the law, which the Jewish people call him: Hillel the Elder, and also, Rambam / Maimonides. These are you fake 'Messiahs', which you shifted in between yourselves and the Torah or yourselve and HKB'H if you will, so that you can ignore your obligations under the law (such as debt nullification, no rent seeking on loans), and serve the rich instead of Justice.ยน (...) You turned yourselves into puppets for the rich again, which was exactly what the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu intended to prevent by giving everyone their right to land forever, and to make sure there would not be debt slavery, You didn't listen. You thought you knew better. Now you are in this mess. As usual, they think they are doing amazing, and then the war comes. You lack the courage and honesty to listen to a small voice like this, a small voice on youtube - merely a comment - then you lack the honesty and dedication to live in the Redemption also. It is clear as day that the *prosbul* is a lie, and that implies that this supposed 'moshiach' will _have to accuse you about it, and complain about it_ whatever else he may be doing. He has to do that, or he becomes a liar like Rabbinical Judaism has become a liar. That cannot be true. However, how do you react to such an accusation ? With Teshuvah, with "Oh we have been guilty" ? The Pharao could do it, but you all can not ! The Pharao talked to Moshe Rabbeinu, but you all turn a cold shoulder when you hear a complaint like this about the prosbul for example, which is obviously true. You sneaker around silently, as if you think: "Let's not give it attention, the fools around us will think it wasn't worthy a reply, and they will follow us because a debate with this it will expose our lying !". There is only one thing which is debatable here: is the _prosbul_ lying on purpose, is this organized crime by the Rabbis, is it an effort to destroy Israel, subjugate the Jewish people under the rich, or is it a matter of mindlesness, is it because of a sense of _misplaced_ humility, subjugation to just a few people who may know they are lying, with just about everyone simply being a fool. Since the Prophets have said: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge", I guess you deserve the benefit of the doubt, and it was a matter of foolishness, rather than criminal intentions. Nevertheless: if the State is a boat, and history is the sea, then if you sail out into the open sea with a leaking boat by oversight or intention, in both cases the boat sinks and all or many on board may die. You even say it to yourselves: the 2nd Temple fell, because of _baseless hatred_ and the _lust for money._ How do you express this hatred and lust for money: for example by not nullifying the loans anymore in the 7th year, and then making up false law which pretended that it was now allowed to not nullify the loan. This is called a "prosbul", an idiotic trick involving the court, the long and short of which is that the loan is not nullified and the poor are forced to pay it back. Under the Torah law, this is _organized crime._ Your courts, you Rabbis, are _organized crime_ under the law of the Torah. Heaven presumably saw it, and took away your legal authority and your Sovereignty, and put you where you belong until you do Teshuvah: under other Sovereignties, in the exile, where you can ponder your crimes until you want to get rid of them. You basically went back to Egypt, because you couldn't keep your thing straight, due to baseless hatred and greed. All this chatting about 'moshiach', it is meaningless. It is a shell game, almost like a honey trap without honey. The one thing you take away is the Teshuvah back to the Torah, which you broke. Blablabla religion this religion that, blablabla on and on it goes ... "the gentiles will be serving us and grabbing us by the hem of our shirts" ... Not your shirts, the shirts of the ones who in the end do return to the Torah and the truth, who throw out the lies for good. It might be you, but so far not yet. Also, the Jubilee on land needs to be instituted, and the land needs to be given to all, part by part, individual by individual. You think you have a choice in this, some kind of super man will suddenly descend from the clouds and subjugate the world to the Rabbis ? I think you are deluding yourselves. Rather than rise to the top, you will fall to the bottom, if you don't hurry up with your Teshuvah now. The question never was: "when will moshiach come", the question has always been: when will Israel return to the truth and stop lying about the Torah. When will the Rabbis stop lying. This is the question of the centuries and the millenia. Will they ever ? I think, probably not. They will have to be deposed by HKB'H himself, as he said he would. Then these liars will never be allowed to mislead Israel again, forever. Am I not nice ? Right, I am not like Hillel the liar the faker the traitor, nor am I a liar like Rambam / Maimonides, the people who helped destroy you and created the exile for you. The prosbul is a lie, and those who promote it are hence liars, how else can you call it ?! Heter iska, this is a lie. The Lamp of Helena is Sun disk idoltary at the 2nd temple. You destroyed yourselves. I literally just now wondered to something like heaven - I don't know - what should I write to these people, it is all so hopeless. The same came out as ever, because it is the truth, but you don't listen. The curses will return, 7 times worse each time. Rabbinical Judaism will have to be ended, because of its millenia of lying and deceiving. I think probably the root difference between me and you all, is that I simply care for the truth, like an honest child, and this causes me to find your behavior incomprehensible and reprehensible, when it comes to the prosbul. It is such an obvious fraud. Supporting the homosexual agenda is a similar fraud, but at least I can still understand people not being too enthusiastic about cutting people's heads off. I don't understand the lies, and since there is no reaction nor Teshuvah, it just creates anger. You could say, anger on behalf of the poor, whom you have denied their rights, just as the Torah said you should not do. For now you can ignore the truth. if heaven forces the issue, you will have to deal with the regret about your obstinacy. Your behavior now will hurt you then, if you really are an honest good willing person. Now you can still change and be happy later, but it doesn't seem to be happening. If the greater Teshuva of Israel will eventually come, if _they_ will finally come (rather than 'moshiach wil come' - no 'moshiach' will not come, moshiach probably simply never left the truth I guess or came back to it already, and it was you all who went away and never came back), it will become a Teshuvah through tears and sorrow, thanks to the obstinate hard necked Rabbinate of Israel, who has forsaken the Torah while laying claim to it, deceiving their people. Why are there no marches of Rabbis in Yerushalayim every week, demanding the Jubilee on land ? Don't Rabbis have much else to do but care about the Torah ?! This is their job, to show the way ! Why are they not blocking things like rent seeking on loans, why are they not having vigils in front of Yeshivas where the cursed books of Maimonides / Rambam are being taught, containing the heter iska and other crimes as if that is the Torah, or where the Shulchan Aruch with its prosbul (and heter iska) are being taught, informing the clueless students that they are learning a broken Torah, a Torah of baseless hatred and lust for money ? Where are you people when your Nation needs you ? The world needs you, needs Israel to give the example, but Israel turned to the ways of the Nation, and now they will all go down together, pretending to be clueless. "The Nations" are likewise utterly insane, selling debt for debt until the whole world collapses into war. They are fools, and therefore Israel needs to give the example. But ... Israel has become ... pathetic, lame and blind. I realize this is repetitive, I always write the same, because everything gets stuck behind this simple problem. There is nothing else to say at this point. Other things could be said, but this issue seems to be the simplest and most obvious. If you cannot even do this, do Teshuvah for following Hillel the Elder and Maimonides / Rambam with their treasonous devices, I don't see what you can do. Hold a service for the Pharao, prepare a meal for the guards in Egypt ? If that is all you want, you have it. The liar Maimonides put it on 'moshiach' that he was 'tarrying', putting in your minds that it is not your failing which delays the Redemption, but his. No, people reading this comment and rather than acting against the prosbul and heter iska they do something else: that is the problem, that is why there is no Redemption. That is the delay. The very next thing someone does after reading this, if it is not starting to overthrow the prosbul, that is the delay you are causing. Day by day by day, you build this delay, and it seems you will go on with it, forever. If HKB'H is not going to overthrow the Rabbis in the end, as he did with the Romans overthrowing corrupt Israel at the 2nd Temple, I think the Redemption will probably never come. You Rabbis need to answer the question: do I care more about being a Rabbi and the money I earn with it, or do I care more about the Torah and the truth. If it is the former, keep going with your deceptions and your shell game, you are where you belong: in the exile, and eventually you might see Israel redeeming itself, without you, despite you. If it is the latter, then what are you waiting for: become a _real_ Rabbi, and stop spreading the lies of Hillel and Rambam. Be a man where there is no man, wasn't that one of the sayings in Judaism ? You think I get paid to write this ? I am already happy I don't get killed over writing the truth. "But you are not nice, we need someone who is nice like an old friendly man." You don't even know me, point one, and point two, grow up. Prosbul is a lie, it _should_ cause anger in whoever hears it, for the sake of the poor who get hurt by it. Are they getting hurt, if I get my way here, if the Torah wins ? Do you see the greater picture ? You want a slithering tongue to lispel around your face, so you can bask in soothing lies, just like the snake in the garden of Eden, telling Eve and Adam how they would become like gods. Wasn't that a friendly snake, huh ? Such a good friend. Thieving war and death was the result from all this friendliness. Who was that other "god of friendliness" again, oh yes he is called Jeebus the Bastard, Jesus the Faker from Rome. Such a nice fellow, just pay your coin to Rome, and the long and deadly exile began. Where the Levites loving and friendly, when they plunged their spears into the offending people who made love with a foreign tribe against the orders of their God ? What is the real friendliness: informing you of the truth, even if at some point in an angry tone, or the slithering tongue of the deceiver, always with a cunning smile, ========== REMAINDER OF ARTICLE TRUNCATED ==========