Path: ...!!!!!!ewrotcd!!not-for-mail From: Mark Wooding Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Subject: Re: on racket and other Lisps Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 15:20:50 +0100 Message-ID: <> References: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Injection-Info:; posting-host=""; logging-data="14339"; mail-complaints-to="" User-Agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.5 (gnu/linux) Cancel-Lock: sha1:BK9w6k2KtzVaEsCedp9zqYfOC90= Originator: ([]) Bytes: 6338 Lines: 132 "B. Pym" writes: > On 1/4/2024, George Neuner wrote: > > > Racket is derived from Scheme (which also is NOT Lisp). > > The following code snippet runs under both Gauche Scheme and > SBCL, and the output is identical: > [...] > > Does this tend to prove that Scheme is not a Lisp? I think you're looking in the wrong place. One of Lisp's most obvious defining features is its homoiconicity. This wasn't always appreciated. Lisp 2 wanted an Algoloid surface syntax; I don't know how this would have worked, but probably it would have abandoned homoiconicity, and I probably wouldn't think of it as a Lisp. Lisp, as we understand it now, starts out by defining a syntax for literal data: symbols, numbers, strings, arrays, and, of course, cons cells and lists. As a next step, it defines semantics for a subset of these data items as a programming language. The result is a language which is particularly good at thinking about itself. One standard feature of Lisp languages is the special operator `quote'. In a properly homoiconic Lisp, `quote' is /trivial/: if X is any datum, then the result of evaluating (quote X) is X itself. (Aside: am I alone in thinking that (quote X Y ... Z) ought to be defined, and equivalent to (values (quote X) (quote Y) ... (quote Z))?) This is not true in Scheme. The R4RS appendix introduced a hygienic macro system which is incompatible with homoiconicity as demonstrated through `quote'. For example: (define-syntax demo (syntax-rules () ((_ form) (begin (write (quote form)) (newline) form)))) (let ((x 1)) (let-syntax ((whoops (syntax-rules () ((_ y) (let ((x 2)) (demo (values y x))))))) (whoops x))) ; -| (values x x) ; => 1 2 If we're to believe `quote', then the form being evaluated is (values x x), which should return two copies of the same value. But it actually returns two different values -- how can this be? Maybe `write' isn't up to the job and the two `x' symbols in that list aren't actually the same. (define-syntax inspect (syntax-rules () ((_ (expr . vals) form . body) (let ((expr (quote form))) (call-with-values (lambda () form) (lambda vals . body)))))) (let ((x 1)) (letrec ((show (lambda (which what x) (display which) (write-char #\space) (display what) (display " = ") (write x) (newline))) (compare (lambda (what whats x y) (show "first" what x) (show "second" what y) (display whats) (display #\space) (display (if (eq? x y) "equal" "unequal")) (newline))) (report (lambda (expr a b) (compare "argument" "arguments" (cadr expr) (caddr expr)) (compare "value" "values" a b) (values a b)))) (let-syntax ((gotcha (syntax-rules () ((_ y) (let ((x 2)) (inspect (expr a b) (values y x) (report expr a b))))))) (gotcha x)))) ; -| first argument = x ; -| second argument = x ; -| arguments equal ; -| first value = 1 ; -| second value = 2 ; -| values unequal ; => 1 2 That seems conclusive: `eq?' thinks that the two `x's are the same symbol, but they sure don't behave the same. Of course, what's going on here is that Scheme's hygienic macros don't see /symbols/: they see /identifiers/ which maintain additional information about which scope they're bound in, and `quote' strips this information away. Which means that `quote' is nontrivial, and Scheme is heteroiconic. I think R3RS Scheme was a Lisp. However, the report describes expression syntax in terms of /characters/ rather than in terms of Scheme data items which, in retrospect, should have been seen as a warning. > Those who program in CL (COBOL-Like) are using the Loop language, > which is not a dialect of Lisp. Furthermore, they are forcing those > who read their code to learn the Loop language. Nobody forces you to use `loop' in Common Lisp, and it's not like it's particularly hard to read. I could understand if the hill you wanted to die on was Common Lisp's `format' syntax (though I'm a fan, and you'll have to prise `format' out of my cold, dead hands), but `loop' is just not that big a deal. About the only thing it has which isn't obviously available elsewhere is a means for building lists efficiently in order. > Let's just say that Scheme is a better Lisp than CL (COBOL-Like) is. No. Scheme is not a Lisp. -- [mdw]