Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail From: Lawrence D'Oliveiro Newsgroups: comp.lang.fortran Subject: Vintage Lunar Lander Game Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 08:37:00 -0000 (UTC) Organization: A noiseless patient Spider Lines: 283 Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Injection-Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 10:37:01 +0200 (CEST) Injection-Info:; posting-host="e2ad63ef29eb171d8254bd46738c313e"; logging-data="3871160"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX190fLpLr3S5P9GmAkE4Z78p" User-Agent: Pan/0.158 (Avdiivka; ) Cancel-Lock: sha1:cRabiQqo51pygZ5iqC8yBj6jgWs= Bytes: 10943 !+ ! My translation of the Fortran translation of the original Lunar ! Lander program from . !- program lunar_lander implicit none integer, parameter :: useprec = kind(0.0d0) ! need to use double precision; single precision is not enough ! to give correct results for second perfect game from above page real(kind = useprec) :: altitude, next_altitude, next_velocity, fuel_rate, elapsed real(kind = useprec) :: mass_total, mass_empty, time_subinterval, time_interval, velocity logical :: endgame, out_of_fuel, done_update real(kind = useprec), parameter :: G = 0.001 real(kind = useprec), parameter :: Z = 1.8 call intro do ! play another game print "(A//)", "FIRST RADAR CHECK COMING UP" print "(A)", "COMMENCE LANDING PROCEDURE" print "(A)", "TIME,SECS ALTITUDE,MILES+FEET VELOCITY,MPH FUEL,LBS FUEL RATE" altitude = 120 velocity = 1 mass_total = 32500 mass_empty = 16500 elapsed = 0 out_of_fuel = .false. endgame = .false. do time_interval = 10 write (*, fmt = "(i7, i16, i7, F15.2, F12.1, A9)", advance = "no") & nint(elapsed), int(altitude), nint(5280 * (altitude - int(altitude))), & 3600 * velocity, mass_total - mass_empty, "K=:" call get_fuel_rate do if (mass_total - mass_empty .lt. 0.001) then out_of_fuel = .true. endgame = .true. exit end if if (time_interval .lt. 0.001) & exit ! start a new interval time_subinterval = time_interval if (mass_empty + time_subinterval * fuel_rate .gt. mass_total) & time_subinterval = (mass_total - mass_empty) / fuel_rate ! calculate only as far as ahead as fuel will allow call delta done_update = .false. if (next_altitude .le. 0) then call down_to_the_ground done_update = .true. else if (velocity .gt. 0 .and. next_velocity .lt. 0) then call going_back_up done_update = .true. end if if (endgame) & exit if (.not. done_update) & call update end do if (endgame) & exit end do call final_status print "(///A)", "TRY AGAIN?" if (.not. yn()) then print "(A)", "CONTROL OUT" exit end if end do contains subroutine intro print "(A)", "CONTROL CALLING LUNAR MODULE. MANUAL CONTROL IS NECESSARY" print "(A)", "YOU MAY RESET FUEL RATE K EACH 10 SECS TO 0 OR ANY VALUE" print "(A)", "BETWEEN 8 & 200 LBS/SEC. YOU'VE 16000 LBS FUEL. ESTIMATED" print "(A)", "FREE FALL IMPACT TIME-120 SECS. CAPSULE WEIGHT-32500 LBS" end subroutine subroutine get_fuel_rate ! asks the user what fuel rate to apply for the next interval. integer :: ios do read (*, *, iostat = ios) fuel_rate if (ios .eq. 0) then if ( & fuel_rate .gt. 200 & .or. & fuel_rate .lt. 0 & .or. & fuel_rate .lt. 8 .and. fuel_rate .gt. 0 & ) & ios = 1 end if if (ios .eq. 0) & exit write (*, fmt = "(A)", advance = "no") "NOT POSSIBLE" call dots write (*, fmt = "(A)", advance = "no") "K=:" end do end subroutine subroutine dots integer :: loop do loop = 1, 51 write (*, fmt = "(A)", advance = "no") "." end do end subroutine logical function yn() result(y) ! prompts the user for an answer to a yes/no question. character(len = 3) :: ans do write (*, fmt = "(A)", advance = "no") "(ANS. YES OR NO):" read *, ans if (ans .eq. "Y" .or. ans .eq. "y" .or. ans .eq. "YES" .or. ans .eq. "yes") then y = .true. exit else if (ans .eq. "N" .or. ans .eq. "n" .or. ans .eq. "NO" .or. ans .eq. "no") then y = .false. exit end if end do end function subroutine update ! updates the time and spacecraft fuel, altitude and velocity. elapsed = elapsed + time_subinterval time_interval = time_interval - time_subinterval mass_total = mass_total - time_subinterval * fuel_rate altitude = next_altitude velocity = next_velocity end subroutine subroutine delta ! calculates the new velocity and altitude at the end of the ! current time subinterval. real(kind = useprec) :: delta_v, delta_v2, delta_v4 delta_v = time_subinterval * fuel_rate / mass_total delta_v2 = delta_v * delta_v ! just to shorten ... delta_v4 = delta_v2 * delta_v2 ! ... some formulas next_velocity = & velocity & + & G * time_subinterval & - & Z & * & ( & delta_v & + & delta_v2 / 2 & + & delta_v2 * delta_v / 3 & + & delta_v4 / 4 & + & delta_v4 * delta_v / 5 & ) next_altitude = & altitude & - & G * time_subinterval * time_subinterval / 2 & - & velocity * time_subinterval & + & Z & * & time_subinterval & * & ( & delta_v / 2 & + & delta_v2 / 6 & ========== REMAINDER OF ARTICLE TRUNCATED ==========