Path: ...!!!!!!not-for-mail From: Thomas Heger Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity,sci.physics,sci.math Subject: Re: The failure of the unified field theory means general relativity fails. Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 07:04:08 +0200 Lines: 31 Message-ID: References: <> <17db55a7e5709ab7$1933$480477$> <> <6677e170$0$11724$> <667bc249$0$11713$> <6686f816$0$3283$> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Trace: 46vozqX8DnH3vrza7q1B8AVYmgN33BqZH4ZPYFlVOseaz8otKc Cancel-Lock: sha1:IQakdbWfHYAOnj+dzrTtuG3dSOg= sha256:qCn0zt8fhuTm6yktXmJxWfa7jASbpjA9rnOCXIb6eJ4= User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird Content-Language: de-DE In-Reply-To: <> Bytes: 2499 Am Samstag000006, 06.07.2024 um 02:15 schrieb bertietaylor: > Conservation of charge is the only conservation law. > Rest is bollocks. I would say: no, charge is not 'observer invariant'. Actually I try to promote a concept, where the electron and a photon are the same thing, where the electron is circeling around in an atom, while the photon flies away in a streight line. The 'photoelectric effect' is then easy: in this concept a photon is kind of helical srew (wave packet). If that is stopped (e.g. by a metall screen) then the helical screw is 'knocked flat' and circles around a point, hence is an electron. A electron is actually not a real separate entity, but a certain aspect of a standing 'rotation wave'. The outer edge is called 'electron' and the inner turning point 'proton'. If the electron 'rolls away', it will become a photon. And if the photon gets stopped, it will become an electron. Therefore: charge is not conserved. TH