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Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 16:50:27 CST
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From: "Kerr-Mudd, John"
Newsgroups: news.groups.proposals
Subject: Re: Moderator Vacancy Investigation: comp.lang.asm.x86
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On Fri, 13 Sep 2024 10:32:58 EDT
Big-8 Management Board wrote:
> This is a formal Moderator Vacancy Investigation (MVI), begun because
> the moderated newsgroup comp.lang.asm.x86 is not functioning,
> The Big-8 Management Board has been contacted by Robert AH Prins
> , who has informed us that the moderator of
> comp.lang.asm.x86, Frank B. Kotler, recently passed away and that a new
> moderator would be needed.
> Followups to this post have been set to news.groups.proposals, to ensure
> that any resulting discussion can be followed in one place.
> This is deeply sad news, and we are grateful to Mr. Kotler for
> generously volunteering his time and expertise as a group moderator. He
> will surely be deeply missed, and we send our condolences to everyone
> who knew him.
> With this in mind, it seems to be established that a vacancy exists and
> that a new moderator could be appointed.
> Mr. Mathisen
> The Board notes that Mr. Prins has also expressed an interest in
> A proposal to convert comp.lang.asm.x86 to a moderated group was put
> forward in May 1997, due to the group becoming overwhelmed with flames
> and off-topic posts.
Whoever the flamers were are long gone; so I'm relaxed about posting
to ala, or to an unmoderated clax, or letting either or both of the
above people moderate it. So no actual input to the decision.
Bah, and indeed Humbug.