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From: "Werner P."
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: HumbleChoice May 2024
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 12:46:19 +0200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Am 07.05.24 um 20:24 schrieb Spalls Hurgenson:
> https://store.steampowered.com/app/1235140/Yakuza_Like_a_Dragon/
> I've such mixed feelings about the Yakuza games. On the one
> hand, their gameplay mechanics aren't too exciting to me, and
> their odd mix of styles falls into a genre I've classified
> as "Japanese weird" that rarely leaves me satisfied. On the
> other hand... there's something quite appealing about the
> detailed worlds, the well-designed mechanics, and the
> strangely compelling storylines. I'm not sure I actually
> /like/ the Yakuza games... but they're also games I don't
> want to miss a chance at playing either.
Like a dragon is completely different, first the main protagonist is not
a downtrodden serious as hell ex yakuza, secondly the game does not have
live action fights anymore but I think it has a turn based jrpg system.
The game justifies it that the main protagonist is a heavy rpg fan and
so the battles happen in his mind more or less with average things
suddenly becoming wands and weapons...
The game was well received after the initial criticism of not being
faithful to the yakuza family anymore and it seems to become its own IP
now with the sequels not being called yakuza anymore but like a dragon...
Anyway a game I always wanted tu buy but never came around it so I am
quite happy that it is this months AAA title!