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From: Zersterer
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: What difficultly level do you play one?
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 12:50:11 -0500
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Mike S. wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Jul 2024 15:43:07 -0400, Spalls Hurgenson
> wrote:
>> I mean, do you remember what a radical concept it felt in "Ultima IV"
>> was when it was announced that the goal of the game was /NOT/ to
>> murder your way through the world?* For a lot of players, that was the
>> first time they even considered there could be more to the genre!
>> * even though, in the end, it pretty much still was ;)
> Heh. :)
> I was ready to post to remind you how much fighting you were required
> to do in Ultima IV but you saved yourself with this last line. :-P
Around 3/4 through the game, you're going to max out your experience and
have a party of 8 lvl 8 classes. At that point, it doesn't help to kill
enemies except for to gain their money or items. I loved those rooms in
the dungeon where you would fight drakes and Balrogs and unlock the room
by doing whatever. One of my earliest priorities was maxing out my
weapons. Had 3 or more magic hammers, the best weapon I could find,
cost 1500 gold each.