Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail From: (rhertz) Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity Subject: Re: Pseudoscience III: Each SR/GR experiment is a FRAUD! Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:47:34 +0000 Organization: novaBBS Message-ID: <> References: <> <> <> <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Injection-Info:; logging-data="3646924"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="hWiuCAeR3KEZYJfTvV11n0qrRi6oqW/zjvEZQQGun9A"; User-Agent: Rocksolid Light X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 4.0.0 X-Rslight-Site: $2y$10$V.VJyGzuh30.NSEmAdK3FupklV/rg2HHukmao7kyW13d/nGEXDKOa X-Rslight-Posting-User: f685b96694175b2ad43ead343ead0a9c0082fe88 Bytes: 4006 Lines: 67 Final remarks about why I believe that Paul is a fraudster. Actually, I think that you are much more stupid than fraudulent. I'll explain, but first I extracted some gems from your post: ************************************************************* The USNO clocks advances τ₀ = 65.42 hours during the 65.42 hours trip, but I CAN'T (unless I am a fraudster) calculate a theoretical USNO elapsed time of 235.51E+12 nsec (out of thin air). And I can't put the values: τ₀ = 65.42 h = 235512 s = 235.512E+12 ns R = 6378137 m Ω = 7.2921159e-5 rad/s c = 299792458 m/s v = 2πR/τ₀ = +170.16 m/s into THE CORRECT FORMULA Δτₖ = (-(2RΩv + v²)/2c²)τ₀ and get Δτₖ = -245.32 ns. This is the kinematic term, so it is only part of the difference between the USNO clock and the "flying" clock. But can you please explain why doing what I did made me a fraudster? ************************************************************** 1) The eastward flight lasted 65.42 hours, of which 42.23 hours were spent on planes flying at about 9 Km high, on average. Your STUPID and ILLOGICAL thinking is about having bought THIS CRAP: Hafele considered a good approximation the following INSANE assertion: - WE (H&K, plus the gang at USNO) considered A GOOD IDEA to think that a good approximation is: - Earth rotates at 459,24 m/sec (Equator level). We SUPPOSE that USNO labs are FLOATING IN THE AIR for the duration of our eastward trip. - So, in a stroke of a genius, we SUPPOSED that being still for 65.42 hours (flight time + waiting in airports) at ALTITUDE 0.0 Km, we WOULD REACH USNO LABS while Earth rotates such amount (either 0° latitude or the average 34° latitude). - The only thing that we have to do is TO SIT COMFORTABLY, while Earth rotates, AND in 65.42 hours we will reach USNO AGAIN (because we departed from USNO, which MAGICALLY remained STILL IN SPACE, without ANY MOTION. We are, by the hand of Einstein, who slipped eastward, to finally reach USNO again. - The only uncomfortable aspect of such adventure is that OUR ASSES got wet, while moving over water at height ZERO, plus a lot of bruises in our asses while moving over earth, at h=0. - But all the pain suffered worth the sacrifice, as we COULD THEORETICALLY compute the elapsed time τ₀ = 65.42h = 235.512E+12 ns. - That such value, which we pulled out of our asses, contain errors in the order of BILLIONS OF PARTS is irrelevant, because we proved that Einstein was right. See, Paul, WHY YOU ARE A FRAUDSTER OR IMBECILE BEYOND REDEMPTION? I go for an IMBECILE, A BLIND ONE. But that is just me.