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Subject: No Choice In Who To Vote For:  Israel vs. Israel
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Perhaps the saddest thing is that the American people are
essentially disenfranchised, because both political parties are
caught in the Israeli web. Whether you vote Republican or
Democrat, you only get candidates that will continue supporting
Israel. Indeed, saying a good word about the right of
Palestinians to have their own State, the idea of seeing the
Palestinians as human beings entitled to the same human rights as
we claim for ourselves, is rejected by the mainstream media.
Whoever supports the Palestinians is ostracised and accused of

The American people are prey to the Orwellianism of the New York
Times and Washington Post. Whether you vote Republican or
Democrat, it is the
military-industrial-financial-academic-media-digital complex that
rules over us. Indeed, those who are elected do not govern, and
those who do govern are not elected.