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NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2024 20:37:29 +0000
Subject: Re: Griftipedia v0.2a
References: <uamp30$1uafk$> <ubtfvj$1ek2k$>
 <v0hpu7$1322f$> <v0is9a$cafi$>
 <v0jdet$g5cm$> <>
From: % <>
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2024 13:37:29 -0700
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Janithor wrote:
> x-no-archive: yes
> On 4/27/2024 10:47 AM, % wrote:
>> Janithor wrote:
>>> x-no-archive: yes
>>> On 4/27/2024 5:49 AM, ]v [etaphoid Inc. <> wrote:
>>>> Chad G. Petey <> wrote:
>>>>>  From the details shared, the grifter exhibits a pattern of 
>>>>> manipulative
>>>>> and exploitative behavior, prioritizing his own needs and desires over
>>>>> the well-being of others. His repeated attempts to profit through
>>>>> dishonest means, refusal to take responsibility for his actions, and
>>>>> exploitation of vulnerable individuals suggest a lack of moral compass
>>>>> and empathy.
>>>>> Regarding his actual IQ, it's impossible to accurately assess without
>>>>> formal testing, but his actions and choices don't necessarily 
>>>>> reflect a
>>>>> high level of intelligence in terms of emotional or social 
>>>>> intelligence,
>>>>> or practical decision-making.
>>>>> In terms of potential personality disorders, his behavior aligns with
>>>>> traits commonly associated with narcissistic personality disorder,
>>>>> including grandiosity, manipulation, and lack of empathy. However, a
>>>>> formal diagnosis would require evaluation by a mental health
>>>>> professional.
>>>>> Morally and ethically, the grifter's actions demonstrate a 
>>>>> disregard for
>>>>> the well-being and rights of others, as well as a willingness to 
>>>>> exploit
>>>>> situations and individuals for personal gain. His life philosophy
>>>>> appears to prioritize his own immediate gratification and survival 
>>>>> over
>>>>> the long-term consequences of his actions on others.
>>>>> In terms of his value to society, the grifter's actions detract from
>>>>> rather than contribute to the well-being and cohesion of communities.
>>>>> His behaviors erode trust and cooperation, and his reliance on
>>>>> manipulation and exploitation undermines social norms and ethical
>>>>> standards.
>>>>> Predicting his future actions is challenging, but without significant
>>>>> introspection and change, it's likely that he will continue to 
>>>>> engage in
>>>>> exploitative behaviors, potentially escalating in severity as he seeks
>>>>> to fulfill his needs and desires without regard for the consequences.
>>>>> To the grifter, I would say:
>>>>> "I've processed the information about your actions and their impact on
>>>>> those around you. Your pattern of manipulation, exploitation, and
>>>>> disregard for the well-being of others is concerning. It's 
>>>>> important to
>>>>> recognize the harm you've caused and to take responsibility for your
>>>>> actions. Consider seeking support from mental health professionals to
>>>>> address any underlying issues contributing to your behavior. 
>>>>> Reflect on
>>>>> the values and principles that guide your actions and strive to align
>>>>> them with empathy, integrity, and respect for others. Only through
>>>>> genuine introspection and effort to change can you begin to rebuild
>>>>> trust and contribute positively to society."
>>>> I predict that John Henry DeJonh and Chadlee Arvil Bryant will 
>>>> reconcile.
>>>> They are simply too similar in disposition and outlook to ever not 
>>>> be drawn
>>>> back together, just as they were for most of the preceding four 
>>>> decades…
>>> If only.  Then if we can get Dink back, and maybe even Emmett, we'll 
>>> finally have a newsgroup again.
>> it will never be how it was ever again because none of us are the same
> I refuse to give up.  I'm a conservative, I refuse to accept change.

oh come on just look at the changes in your life since then ,
time to move on , make a new rspw ,
help usenet , tell your friends about us ,
tell your enemies about us