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From: bertietaylor@myyahoo.com (Bertietaylor)
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: What composes the mass of an =?UTF-8?B?ZWxlY3Ryb24/?=
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 11:47:06 +0000
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On Tue, 5 Nov 2024 10:06:24 +0000, J. J. Lodder wrote:

> rhertz <hertz778@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Another curiosity happening in the first 20' of the big bang theory,
>> currently accepted: the charge e of an electron.
>> 1. Only neutrons and protons exist:
>> Neutrons: 3 udd quarks (2/3 e - 1/3 e - 1/3 e = 0 e)
>> Protons: 3 uud quarks (2/3 e + 2/3 e - 1/3 e = + 1 e)
>> 2. When neutrons decay (20'): 1 Proton + (-1 e)
>> Numbers don't make sense.
>> Is that electrons are formed by three ddd quarks plus gluons, because
>> somehow a neutral +1/3 e + (-1/3 e) is created from nowhere during the
>> decay process, so 1 proton + 1 electron can appear?
>> I dismissed neutrinos, but one electron neutrino split in two parts with
>> opposite charges +/- 1/3 and zero mass? The rest is derived from gluons.
>> https://www.quantumdiaries.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/2000px-Standard_Mode
> l_of_Elementary_Particles.svg_.jpg
> So you managed to misunderstand even that.
> Quarks an gluons don't come into it:
> it is a purely weak process.
> A down quark decays into an up quark,
> with the emission of a (virtual W- boson)
> The W- next decays into an electron and an antineutrino.
> All completely standard,

> Jan