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Path: ...!!!!rocksolid2!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Richard Damon <>
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: Re: Incompleteness of Cantor's enumeration of the rational numbers
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 14:20:35 -0500
Organization: i2pn2 (
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On 12/28/24 11:45 AM, WM wrote:
> On 28.12.2024 15:15, Richard Damon wrote:
>> doing an INFIITE union (which a union of all FISONs would be) can 
>> result in something different in type then the union of a finite 
>> number of FISONs.
> Every FISON covers less than half of all natural numbers. That implies 
> that all FISONs and the union of all FISONs cover less than half of all 
> natural numbers.
> Regards, WM

Nope, unsupported logic,

In fact, every Fision covers a negligable part of All Natural Numbers, 
just as every Natural number is a negligable %-tile of the whole of the 
Natural Numbers.

Your problem is that you just don't understand the absoute power of an 
infinite set of finite values because your brain is just too small and 
doesn't understand what it is talking about.

Sorry, you are really just that stupid and you are just showing that 
your brain melted in the explosion of your logic system when it exploded 
into smithereens from the contradictions created by your illogical logic.