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From: D <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written,rec.arts.sf.fandom
Subject: Re: Babel
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 10:54:16 +0100
Organization: i2pn2 (
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On Wed, 27 Mar 2024, Cryptoengineer wrote:

> On 3/27/2024 5:46 PM, Tim Illingworth wrote:
>> On 3/27/2024 7:47 AM, Cryptoengineer wrote:
>>> Regardless of nigglined edge cases, the point remains. Russia has
>>> been invaded many times in history, while the US mainland has not.
>>> pt
>> December 1814 not count?
> It was certainly an invasion, but 'one' is not 'many'.
> The point is, Russia has the notion of 'we're
> going to get invaded again, unless we push out
> the borders'. The US doesn't - its last mainland
> invasion was over 200 years ago.
> Putin, and other Russian propagandists, are fond
> of saying things like 'Russia has no border', meaning
> that neighboring states independence is an unfortunate
> circumstance which needs fixing.
> Once again, learn about 'Russki Mir'
> The only solution I can see is the breakup of Russia.

I listened to a youtube lecture of someone from the finnish military who 
studieds russia all his life, and he agreed with the deeply rooted 
paranoia of russia, and that it explains a lot about why they act the way 
they do.

I think that in order to get long lasting peace in europe, the russian 
people need to go through some kind of public shaming like germany in WW2 
in order to create a longing for peace and democracy.

It has to come from within, based on a collective, cultural realization 
that Tsars won't build a happy country. If it is pushed from above and 
outside, like after the soviet union fell, the system will fall again, 
since the people haven't internalized democracy.

Another way for peace, as you say, is to break up russia and confiscate 
all major weapons. Moscow and the west will probably be a european 
oriented country, the rest will be factured between various small warlords 
and revert to their "*stan" names.

The risk will still be though, that the moscow + west will again fall into 
tyranny after a decade or two.

Best regards,