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From: HenHanna <HenHanna@dev.null>
Newsgroups: sci.lang,sci.lang
Subject: Re: [I want to be in that number] <-- i've not heard this idiom elsewhere
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2024 19:20:32 +0000
Organization: novaBBS
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On Sun, 3 Nov 2024 10:00:37 +0000, Ross Clark wrote:

> On 3/11/2024 6:18 a.m., LionelEdwards wrote:
>> On Sat, 2 Nov 2024 17:09:42 +0000, HenHanna wrote:
>>> [Yes, I want to be in that number] <-- i've never heard this idiom
>>> anywhere else
>> <snip>
>> It is a direct quote from the best known song by the
>> most recognisable singer ever. Sit back and enjoy:
> Without looking, I can guess the song and the singer.
> Just sticking to that theme, I looked at the uses of "number" in the old
> Bible concordance I keep in a cupboard. There is a lot of numbering of
> groups of people in the Bible -- tribes, armies, the elect... (There's
> even a whole book in the OT called Numbers.) You can easily see the
> extension from the number (the figure) to the list or roll of names of
> people in the group. "When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there"
> -- from another old song -- refers to the same situation.

Who's the drummer?  He looks like young Jacky Chan.


    >>>  While "number" and "numb" do not share a direct lineage, they
derive from different roots that have been influenced by similar sounds
and concepts over time. The connection might be more phonetic than