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Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 18:58:44 -0400
Mime-Version: 1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Subject: Re: Canada to Start Punishing People for Pre-Crime
Content-Language: en-US
References: <> <> <> <17bc1dd7c9d7d04f$139926$2218499$> <> <17bc2498b33e6a54$353$2820980$> <>
From: moviePig <>
In-Reply-To: <>
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On 3/12/2024 6:47 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
> In article <17bc2498b33e6a54$353$2820980$>,
>   moviePig <> wrote:
>> On 3/12/2024 6:14 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>> In article
>>> <17bc1dd7c9d7d04f$139926$2218499$>,
>>>    moviePig <> wrote:
>>>> On 3/12/2024 3:07 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>> In article <>,
>>>>>     shawn <> wrote:
>>>>>> Again this is being discussed for what someone might do and not what
>>>>>> they actually have done? At least so far as I know when such
>>>>>> restrictions on people using the Internet in the USA it has been in
>>>>>> reaction to things that they've actually done like with Kevin Mitnick.
>>>>> I've never understood how you can sentence someone to no internet use in
>>>>> today's world anyway. You use the internet in a million different ways
>>>>> every day.
>>>>> How could you do any banking at all? Even in-person banking at an ATM
>>>>> uses the internet. Or pay for something with a credit/debit card? Again,
>>>>> that's using the internet.
>>>>> When you get on an elevator in an office building, you're using the
>>>>> internet because the elevator is connected to the building's remote
>>>>> management system and uses the internet to control things like elevators
>>>>> from some remote location.
>>>>> Driving a car uses the internet. Most modern cars have dozens of
>>>>> internet-enabled features, especially the fancier ones that can
>>>>> 'self-drive'.
>>>>> Even simply watching TV now is using the internet. Not just streaming,
>>>>> either. Watching cable TV is using the internet also.
>>>>> Anyone sentenced to no internet use as a condition of parole will likely
>>>>> violate it before they leave the courthouse.
>>>> That's like saying you use nuclear power if you get a suntan.
>>> No, it's not really like saying that at all.
>> That's like calling something wrong when you simply don't understand it.
> While I will admit that due to your purposeful word games and
> legerdemain, it's often hard to understand what the hell you're talking
> about, in this case, no, it's not really like saying that at all.

So, one is to assume that your unsupported dismissal of my analogy 
arises from a thorough yet strangely withheld insight...