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Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 14:37:51 -0500
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Subject: Re: Kerry: People Would 'Feel Better About Ukraine War if Russia Would Reduce Emissions
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From: trotsky <>
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On 3/19/24 2:48 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
> ..and then Kerry took his 500th flight on his private plane, because it
> doesn't count when he does it.

If you don't give a fuck about the carbon footprint for human beings 
than why would you give a fuck about Kerry's mode of transportation? 
Your hypocrisy is hugely greater than his you motherfucking stupid 
asshole.  Hope this doesn't help and you run at the mouth continuously 
like a fucked up Usenet version of Kevin Sorbo.

> Why is this clown taken even a little bit seriously?
> --------------------
> Outgoing Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC) John Kerry claimed
> that people would "feel better" about the ongoing war in Ukraine if Russia
> would "make a greater effort to reduce emissions".
> "If Russia wanted to show good faith, they could go out and announce what
> their reductions are going to be and make a greater effort to reduce
> emissions now," Kerry said during a foreign press briefing on Tuesday in
> Washington, D.C., his last as the SPEC, as he departed from the position
> Wednesday to reportedly join President Biden's presidential re-election
> campaign.
> "Maybe that would open up the door for people to feel better about what
> Russia is choosing to do at this point in time," he said.