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Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 15:38:16 -0500
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User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Subject: Re: NBC Historian Takes Media's "Bloodbath" Insanity To A Whole New Level
References: <utbtok$pkre$> <> <> <utctt9$11hfm$> <> <utd5p0$1371j$> <> <utdc9v$14eu2$> <> <utevf0$1iacj$>
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From: trotsky <>
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On 3/20/24 10:30 AM, FPP wrote:
> On 3/19/24 10:46 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>> super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
>>> On 2024-03-20 00:01:05 +0000, BTR1701 said:
>>>> In article <utd5p0$1371j$>,
>>>> super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
>>>>> On 2024-03-19 22:01:11 +0000, BTR1701 said:
>>>>>> In article <utctt9$11hfm$>,
>>>>>> super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 2024-03-19 18:25:47 +0000, BTR1701 said:
>>>>>>>> On Mar 19, 2024 at 9:24:24 AM PDT, "Rhino"
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 19 Mar 2024 04:30:48 -0400
>>>>>>>>> Ubiquitous <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> NBC News presidential historian Michael Beschloss took the media
>>>>>>>>>> furor over former President Donald Trump’s "bloodbath" 
>>>>>>>>>> comments to
>>>>>>>>>> new heights during a Monday appearance on MSNBC's MORNING JOE.
>>>>>>>>>> During an Ohio campaign rally over the weekend, Trump predicted a
>>>>>>>>>> "bloodbath" if he does not win reelection in 2024, and media 
>>>>>>>>>> outlets
>>>>>>>>>> fell all over themselves trying to make it look as though he was
>>>>>>>>>> predicting politically motivated violence and a *literal* 
>>>>>>>>>> bloodbath.
>>>>>>>> And yet there's a Democrat state senator in Tennessee outright 
>>>>>>>> calling
>>>>>>>> for riots and political violence right now because she didn't 
>>>>>>>> get her
>>>>>>>> way in a vote and... yes, you guessed it, crickets from the legacy
>>>>>>>> media.
>>>>>>> Maybe because she isn't powerful enough to inspire upwards of 80,000
>>>>>>> followers to attempt a violent insurrection in Washington or even
>>>>>>> Nashville.
>>>>>> So we have to wait until there's dead bodies in the street and 
>>>>>> downtown
>>>>>> Nashville is on fire before reporting on a state official calling for
>>>>>> riots and violence?
>>>>>> That's what you're going with?
>>>>> I couldn't google the specific example of a "Democrat state senator in
>>>>> Tennessee outright calling for riots and political violence right now
>>>>> because she didn't get her way in a vote"
>>>> Just check out the thread posted right here in RAT today entitled,
>>>> "Civility Project Ends".
>>>>> but the Republican jerks in charge have passed some pretty outrageous
>>>>> laws in the past few weeks, like repealing an anti-"arrested for 
>>>>> driving
>>>>> while Black" law
>>>> Otherwise known as an "exempting black people from the traffic code
>>>> everyone else has to obey" law.
>>> The law (or repealed law now) applies to everyone.
>>> If your state has this policy maybe you'll appreciate getting pulled
>>> over in your beaten up 40-year-old pickup without a license plate light
>>> because some cop makes the subjective judgement that you look
>>> suspicious.
>> If I'm driving around without a license plate light, then there's nothing
>> subjective about it. I'm violating the law.
>>>> You do realize that's a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the
>>>> 14th Amendment, right? Or do you just not care?
>>> It had nothing to do with the 14th Amendment because it applied to
>>> everyone and all races.
>> Ah, so it just repealed enforcement of the traffic code full stop because
>> "muh racism!"?
>>> But your apparent closet racism by assuming it applied to only Blacks
>>> is interesting.
>> If I assumed anything it's that the Tennessee law was a carbon copy of a
>> recent California bill proposed by a black assemblyman from Compton, 
>> which
>> specifically exempts only blacks from being stopped for most traffic
>> infractions, including speeding for anything short of 25mph over the 
>> posted
>> limit.
>> This means if you have some lunatic blasting down a residential street at
>> 50mph, the cops would just have to stand by and watch it happen if the
>> driver is black.
>> The bill would also render any evidence of other crimes discovered 
>> during a
>> traffic stop inadmissible. So if the speeder in the above hypothetical 
>> was
>> racing down the residential street at 60mph and could now be legally
>> stopped by police, and they discovered a dead murder victim in his back
>> seat, the body and any other evidence in the car would be inadmissible in
>> court at his murder trial.
>> Again, only for blacks.
>> So yeah, when these ridiculous laws and policy efforts spring up all 
>> around
>> the country at roughly the same time, they're usually carbon copies of 
>> each
>> other sent direct from BLM headquarters.
>> Mea culpa.
>>>>> that was passed after Tyre Nichols was beaten to death by police in
>>>>> 2023 after one of these kind of aggressive traffic stops
>>>> By black cops. But go on with your "But muh racism!" nonsense.
>>>>> and making unauthorized street protests a felony instead of a
>>>>> misdemeanor.
>>>> Obviously misdemeanors weren't working.
>>> Making street protests felonies isn't going to work either, if the
>>> perceived transgression is egregious enough.
>>> It's a felony to enter the Capitol Building in an unauthorized manner
>> No, it's a misdemeanor. 18 USC 1751, Restricted Buildings and Grounds. 
>> The
>> same statute I used to lock up White House fence jumpers.
>>> and vandalize it and threaten members of Congress, did that work?
>> What if the cops held the door open for them. Is that still unauthorized?
> Yeah, the Jan 6'ers tried making that argument too.  They're in jail now.

I wonder if Twat calls them "hostages" like his main man Trump.  That's 
what's such a bummer about OKT, if you ask him a pointed question like 
this he just crawls back into the woodwork like cockroach he is.