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From: Farley Flud <ff@linux.rocks>
Subject: Re: Why Python When There Is Perl?
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On Sat, 23 Mar 2024 20:38:53 -0500, Physfitfreak wrote:

>> If a number is not prime, then could it be odd?  This is the
>> correct way to to interpret "~A => B."  The answer is "yes"
>> and the condition is true.
> Ok, got it at last.

I hope so.

Another way to view A => B is that whenever A (the left side)
is true, then B (the right side) is also true.

Thus, if ~A (not prime) is true then B (odd) is also true,
that is B (right side) is not false.

~A (left side) could be an even number but since it could also
be a non-prime odd number then B (right side) is not false,
that is, it is possible for a non-prime to be odd.

The mathematics, though, should be completely unambiguous.

A => B is equivalent to ~A OR B, where "OR" is the logical
OR operator or the logical "union."

There are 4 possibilities:

1) A => B

2) A => ~B

3) ~A => B

4) ~A => ~B

Of these 4, which ones represent the "union" of ~A, B?

The answer is the expressions which contain either ~A
or B.

Thus 1, 3, and 4 represent the truth set.

Expression 4 is the negation, "A AND ~B," and is false.


Incidentally, I made a slight error when I defined the
sets in my example.  Set A should be the set of primes >= 3
and <= 100.  In my haste I overlooked the fact that 2
is prime.

But that should make no difference to the gist of the

The fact that some posters jumped on this trivial oversight
indicates that this group is composed of intellectual deadbeats
whose only interest is to insult others rather than to develop
their knowledge and understanding.

It's a shame that such deadbeats have chosen to frequent a
GNU/Linux forum.  With their juvenile idiocy, they can only tarnish
the good name of FOSS.