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Look up another Usenet article

Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2024 03:30:13 -0500
Mime-Version: 1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Subject: Re: Baltimore Bridge
References: <> <> <uu2nbv$3b5vs$> <uu4adb$3mth9$> <> <uu6im7$b577$> <> <uu9csk$1363u$> <> <hA_NN.733321$xHn7.585962@fx14.iad> <> <uubnl9$1q8ej$> <> <uuefg5$2hcm5$>
Content-Language: en-US
From: trotsky <>
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On 4/1/24 9:14 AM, FPP wrote:
> On 3/31/24 4:36 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>> In article <uubnl9$1q8ej$>, FPP <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 3/30/24 5:10 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>> In article <hA_NN.733321$xHn7.585962@fx14.iad>,
>>>>    trotsky <> wrote:
>>>>> On 3/30/24 2:58 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>> In article <uu9csk$1363u$>, FPP <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 3/29/24 1:45 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>> In article <uu6im7$b577$>, FPP <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 3/28/24 2:42 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> In article <uu4adb$3mth9$>,
>>>>>>>>>>       "Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> shawn <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 28 Mar 2024 02:55:30 +0000, BTR1701 <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just saw on the news that Joe Biden has pledged that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> government will "pay the entire cost" of rebuilding the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Baltimore bridge.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Huh? Shouldn't the shipping company and its insurance 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> agency foot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the bill? It's like he just can't wait for any opportunity to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fuck the taxpayer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And when it's rebuilt, obviously it can't be renamed the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Francis
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scott Key Bridge. I mean, "old straight racist white guy",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amirite? So what will its new name be?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I submit the "Saint George Floyd of Fentanyl Memorial 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bridge".
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The federal government can act to get repairs started today 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> while
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the lawyers act to collect any money due from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> company/insurance.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The bridge won't be repaired. It'll be 5 to 7 years at least.
>>>>>>>>>>> Here's an article from the Baltimore Sun. Turn off javascript to
>>>>>>>>>>> read.
>>>>>>>>>>> e/
>>>>>>>>>>> Ignore "rebuild" in the headline. No one is saying it can be
>>>>>>>>>>> rebuilt. It's going to be replaced with something brand new. I'm
>>>>>>>>>>> sure the piers will both be relocated closer to shore.
>>>>>>>>>> And higher, too. I drove across the Key Bridge regularly when 
>>>>>>>>>> I was a
>>>>>>>>>> DC denizen and it was kinda scary how high up you got with 
>>>>>>>>>> seemingly
>>>>>>>>>> very little to stop you from going over the side if you lost 
>>>>>>>>>> control.
>>>>>>>>>>> The replacement will have to take into account larger vessels 
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> sea level rise
>>>>>>>>>> Which is non-existent pretty much everywhere. There's been no sea
>>>>>>>>>> level rise over the last 12 years at the beach down the street 
>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>> me; when I visited Miami's South Beach two years ago, the 
>>>>>>>>>> ocean was
>>>>>>>>>> in the same place it was in the pictures of my visit 20 years 
>>>>>>>>>> earlier
>>>>>>>>>> (despite AlGore's insistence that Miami would be underwater by 
>>>>>>>>>> 2011);
>>>>>>>>>> Plymouth Rock isn't underwater; the water level around the 
>>>>>>>>>> base of
>>>>>>>>>> the Statue of Liberty hasn't changed since it was erected, 
>>>>>>>>>> etc., etc.
>>>>>>>>> This has been explained to you for decades. Decades...
>>>>>>>> Liar.
>>>>>>> Over and over and over and you still repeat the same old bullshit as
>>>>>>> everything around us goes to shit.
>>>>>> Given that the enviro-kooks have been predicting sea level rise since
>>>>>> the late 90s, even famously direly warning that Miami would be
>>>>>> underwater by 2011,
>>>>> Shockingly I googled this and it returned zero hits.
>>>> Google Search is run by an AI that doesn't even recognize the existence
>>>> of white people. The Agenda is baked into its algorithms. Its search
>>>> results are no longer worthy of trust and confidence.
>>>> Regardless, I can't believe you even needed to check Google to see
>>>> whether the enviro-loons have been screeching about sea level rise. 
>>>> It's
>>>> kinda one of their articles of faith, Hutt, you slouching pus-bucket.
>>> You've been told this for decades.
>> You're claiming I've been told for decades that Hutt couldn't find
>> anything about enviro-kooks pushing sea-level rise on Google?
>> Do tell...
>> (Your bullshit doesn't even make coherent sense anymore.)
> Nope, I claimed no such thing.  You've been shown evidence for decades 
> that man made climate change would devastate the planet.
> Well, now it is.  And you still can't admit you were wrong, and it's 
> still happening.

I think Twat has a Baltimore Bridge he'd like to sell us.