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Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2024 18:42:58 -0400
Mime-Version: 1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Subject: Re: TV Judge Issues Restraining Order; Threatens Arrest Warrant
References: <>
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From: moviePig <>
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Nntp-Posting-Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2024 22:42:59 +0000
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On 4/8/2024 6:14 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
> This case is amazing at all levels.
> First, we have a guy suing his neighbor because she password-protected her
> wi-fi signal, which he had been leeching off for free, claiming he's
> entitled to it because the wi-fi waves are in the air which belongs to
> everyone.
> Then we have a judge who, in rightly ruling against the guy, also decides
> to issue a restraining order against him from contacting his neighbor
> and/or harassing her and warns him that if he violates the order, he (the
> judge) will issue a warrant and have the police pick him up and bring him
> back to court for further proceedings.
> Except this is a TV judge. He's not a real judge and this is not a real
> courtroom. It's a TV set. The only power this judge has is to decide the
> monetary split the two parties agreed to in order to appear on the show. He
> can't issue retraining orders and he sure as hell can't issue warrants and
> have the police arrest anyone.
> Apparently he never actually was a judge in his prior life, either. His
> only previous claim to fame was as an actor playing a police captain in a
> YouTube show called SOUL SNACK.

This sounds like standard TV courtroom practice.  The capital (as it 
were) penalty is the cancelled -- albeit substantial -- remuneration.