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Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 04:48:41 -0500
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User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Subject: Re: When They Tell You Who They Are...
References: <> <v1nkum$20mt4$> <hzl0O.25341$iSy3.2224@fx38.iad> <v29m3v$2mdlu$> <17d08bd590b7e1ec$58$3291601$>
Content-Language: en-US
From: trotsky <>
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On 5/18/24 4:40 AM, trotsky wrote:
> On 5/18/24 2:41 AM, FPP wrote:
>> On 5/13/24 6:02 AM, trotsky wrote:
>>> On 5/11/24 6:31 AM, FPP wrote:
>>>> On 5/10/24 4:55 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>> ..and what they're about, believe them.
>>>>> In their own words:
>>>> Now do Project 2025.  Because that's a lot scarier, and a lot more 
>>>> possible.
>>> Possible?  Yes.  Probable?  No.  There will never be a time where 
>>> these guys don't look like the Keystone Kops.
>> You haven't been paying enough attention.  These guys aren't playing 
>> around.  There are some very capable people behind this movement.
>> This isn't the MAGA clown show.  It's serious people with very serious 
>> money.
> I don't doubt this for a second, but it's still the party of Trump and 
> Marjorie Taylor Spleen.  Moreover it hasn't been that long since the 
> Kock bros. were the hideously rich puppet masters, what became of that. 
> I believe erring on the side of caution will always be the right thing 
> to do but I also don't like ascribe too much credibility to a bunch of 
> disgusting fucking losers regardless of how much money they have. 
> Epstein had a lot of money too and where is he now?  Licking Satan's 
> balls in hell.

Looks like Media Bias/Fact Check gave it a medium credibility rating so 
make of that what you will: