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From: Farley Flud <ff@linux.rocks>
Subject: Missing Fingers (Vallor) Flops Big Time
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Missing Fingers, a.k.a. vallor, recently promoted his "special"
build of the Linux kernel 6.9.x.  But he really did not say much
else about this release.

The great news is that kernel 6.9.x now incorporates Intel FRED:


Yes, indeed.  Linux is ALWAYS on the bleeding edge.

Hmmm.  I wonder if Microslop incorporates FRED yet.

Maybe, as with everything else, after 30 years they'll
finally have it.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

GNU/Linux: Boldly surfing the waves of progress.

Microslop Winblows: Timidly keeping the status quo
for dead-beat advertisers.