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Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 21:01:22 +0200
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Subject: Re: SpaceTime
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
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From: Maciej Wozniak <mlwozniak@wp.pl>
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W dniu 02.06.2024 o 20:54, Ross Finlayson pisze:
> On 06/02/2024 11:17 AM, Maciej Wozniak wrote:
>> W dniu 02.06.2024 o 19:13, Ross Finlayson pisze:
>>> On 06/02/2024 09:57 AM, gharnagel wrote:
>>>> Maciej Wozniak wrote:
>>>>> W dniu 02.06.2024 o 14:48, gharnagel pisze:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Since we don't really understand what "space-time" is,
>>>>> Since you don't, you really should shut up,
>>>>> Harrie.
>>>> Pot, kettle, black, Wozzie-fool.  You don't seem to understand
>>>> anything, so your fickle finger points right back at you :-))
>>> I'd only heard of that after there was re-syndicated "Laugh-In"
>>> on the free OTA television I used to watch.
>>> I was like "this is amusing, yet what a bunch of flakes".
>>> Horn-dogs and flakes, ....
>>> I quit watching television about a year ago yet have
>>> already watched most what's considered "syndicated" television,
>>> or the '70's and '80's and some of the '60's as it were.
>>> There is an idea that Maciej basically _is_ a tea-kettle,
>>> and all he has to look at all day is the Parameterized-Post-Newtonian,
>>> then also a translation chart to Naive-Einstein-SR's-Wrong-GR,
>>> and he always has to re-compute to reflect what he thinks people
>>> either way need the numbers both ways, and erupts "mumble".
>>> Of course the "Parameterized Post-Newtonian" _is_ the ephemeris
>>> in effect, with regards to Earthly things the things near Earth.
>>> Most people know that dead-reckoning isn't really a thing,
>>> then there's wide reliance on the constancy of light-speed,
>>> and its effectively large value.
>> And in the meantime in the real world - forbidden
>> by your bunch of mumbling religious maniacs "improper"
>> clocks of TAI and GPS keep measuring t'=t, just like
>> all serious clocks always did.
>>> So, in a sense it's like "two wrongs".
> A common reduction expressing "incredulity, lack thereof":  "Duh".

Stop making wise faces, poor fanatic idiot,
the mumble of your insane guru was not even
consistent and that has been provven.
