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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 02:41:47 -0500
Mime-Version: 1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Subject: Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban
References: <> <v4i2m6$30bm2$> <> <v4s1f8$1c3jr$>
Content-Language: en-US
From: trotsky <>
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On 6/18/24 8:18 AM, FPP wrote:
> On 6/14/24 3:33 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>> In article <v4i2m6$30bm2$>,
>>   "Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:
>>> BTR1701 <no_email@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>>>> rump-bump-stock-ban/
>>>> A Trump administration ban on bump stocks-- devices that enable a 
>>>> shooter
>>>> to rapidly fire multiple rounds from semi-automatic weapons after an
>>>> initial trigger pull-- was struck down Friday by a federal appeals 
>>>> court in
>>>> New Orleans.
>>>> The ban was instituted after a gunman perched in a high-rise hotel 
>>>> using
>>>> bump stock-equipped weapons massacred dozens of people in Las Vegas in
>>>> 2017. Gun rights advocates have challenged it in multiple courts. 
>>>> The 13-3
>>>> ruling at the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is the latest on the 
>>>> issue,
>>>> which is likely to be decided at the Supreme Court.
>>> This case was appealed to the Supreme Court by the government, and 
>>> accepted
>>> because of the circuit split. Garland v. Cargill
>>> Clarence Thomas wrote the majority opinion, siding against the
>>> government and in favor of Michael Cargill, the gun store owner who had
>>> turned in two bump stocks to ATF to have standing to sue to have the
>>> regulation overturned.
>> This is great news. The ban was struck down not on some technicality,
>> but on the basis that the law says what it says and the BATF can't just
>> decide it wants to 'interpret it' to mean something entirely different
>> to conform to the politics of the moment and make instant felons out of
>> hundreds of thousands of citizens who legally bought expensive equipment
>> that the government refuses to reimburse them for while at the same time
>> requiring them to surrender it to law enforcement. 
> It was struck down by an illegitimate and corrupt court because they 
> were paid to strike it down.
> Once you get that, all rulings become clear.

Isn't it queer how when I pointed him to Harvard Law Professor Laurence 
Tribe's explanation of the situation Thanny shut his fucking mouth on 
the subject?