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From: Stefan Claas <pollux@tilde.club>
Newsgroups: sci.crypt
Subject: Re: fun with nonces
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 19:07:09 -0000
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Chax Plore wrote:
> Xorshift is reversible, so if Eve is up to no good, then she can use the
> foreknowledge of nonce in bad way (no specific attack in mind, but
> nothing in the message should be predictable or "crackable").
> I suggest to use HKDF instead to generate the nonce in your scheme,
> which I would name "nonce ratchet" instead of confusing "nfs" (I'm just
> looking on my NAS console, where I see two volumes mounted as NFS shares).

Thanks for your valuable input, much appreciated! The Program uses now
hkdf, instead of corshift128+.
> And If you are already using KKDF, they why not to "ratchet" the whole
> key/nonce/iv/salt material this way, if you intend to leave no variables
> in plain sight?

What do you mean (language barrier)?
