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From: Rhino <>
Subject: Boat Story - final thoughts
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2024 07:19:42 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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I finished Boat Story last night and wanted to say a few words about

This 6-part BBC/Amazon co-production aired a few months back in the UK
and sits at a 7.3 rating in IMDB. I think it deserves better. One of
the things that I really appreciate about a story is being surprised
along the way, not bored by all the cliches coming out for the
umpteenth time. Boat Story delivered plenty of suprises, particularly
in the development of The Tailor - the big bad - and Guy, his chief
henchman. Even the loser cop, Steve Tooh, had an unexpected ending. I
don't want to spoil anything for anyone but if you like a story with
surprises along the way, I think you'll like Boat Story. 
