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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Rhino <>
Subject: Re: Guardian: Christian Cross Is Symbol of Oppression for Jews
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2024 19:04:07 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Fri, 29 Mar 2024 20:16:29 +0000
BTR1701 <no_email@invalid.invalid> wrote:

> So now the cross is the latest addition to the list of 'coded'
> anti-Senitism.
> How long before people are going to find themselves called before an
> HR star chamber in their workplace, accused with being an anti-Semite
> for wearing a necklace with a cross? Or for wearing a t-shirt to work
> that has their church's logo on it?
> If Christians said they found the Star of David offensive what do you
> suppose the odds are it would get equal treatment by the Legion of the
> Perpetually Offended?

France may be leading the way in terms of pro-active responses to this.
(Their cousins in Quebec have recently decided to follow suit.) In
France, civil servants at work and anyone at school (teachers and
students alike, as I understand it) are forbidden to wear religious
symbols during their time at school. That includes Christian crosses,
Stars of David and kippahs, and Muslim paraphernalia, including hijabs.
France has been doing this for several years to hide the religion of
all concerned to avoid incidents. (I don't know what they do about
names, which would also tend to give away religious afflilation. After
all David Goldstein is more than likely Jewish and Mohammed bin Ladin is
probably Muslim.) 

I wonder how a law like that would go down in the US? I'm guessing the
born-again Christians would be livid as would the Muslims; not as sure
what the Jewish reaction would be. The Quebec law has certainly caused
some controversy in Quebec! 
