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Path: ...!!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Rhino <>
Subject: [OT] Fighting censorship
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 17:35:17 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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J. K. Rowling is standing against the new censorship law in Scotland
and has made it and SNP (Scottish National Party) leader Humza Yousef
something of a laughing stock. Things are not quite at the point where
the bill has been withdrawn but Leo Kearse is anticipating that it will
be: [11 minutes]

You may want to watch his previous video just to get the context of
this new law if you don't already know about it: [15 minutes]

I certainly hope we have some high-profile individual like a J.K.
Rowling tackle OUR government if the new Online Harms Bill turns out to
be as stifling of free speech as it looks. (I suppose we have to give
the politicians the opportunity to amend the bill in a direction that
will hopefully lessen the impact on free speech, although I'm not
optimistic. Four out of our five parties are avowedly "progressive" so
why would they change the bill in any way when it promises to silence
those they find distasteful?) 

Hmm, maybe some of our national figures who have long been resident in
the US,like Joni Mitchell or Neil Young could play the
Rowling role on this side of the border? I'm not sure if ANY of them
are strong proponents of free speech in general though - as opposed to
fiercely insisting on their own right to say what they like - so we may
have to do some digging to find the right person.
