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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Rhino <>
Subject: Re: More on Canadia's Orwellian 'Online Harms Law'
Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 19:45:48 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Sat, 18 May 2024 16:12:37 -0700
BTR1701 <> wrote:

> This just gets nuttier and nuttier as well as more and more ominous
> for anyone who is a mapleback. Effa's so worried about Trump's
> dictatorial potential but Trump ain't got nothin' on Justin Trudeau's
> dictatorial reality. He's actually managed to work in *both*
> pre-crime penalties *and* ex-post facto law into the same bill.
> That's an achievement I don't think even Stalin and Mao managed to
> accomplish:
>      The C-63 legislation authorizes house arrest and
>      electronic monitoring for a person considered likely
>      to commit a future crime. If a judge believes there
>      are reasonable grounds to 'fear' a future hate crime,
>      the as of yet innocent party can be sentenced to house
>      arrest, complete with electronic monitoring, mandatory
>      drug testing, and communication bans. Failure to
>      cooperate nets you an additional year in jail.
>      What is a hate crime? According to the Bill, it is a
>      communication expressing 'detestation or vilification'.
>      But, clarified the government, that is not the same as
>      'disdain or dislike', or speech that 'discredits,
>      humiliates, hurts, or offends'.
>      Unfortunately the government didn't think to include a
>      graduated scheme setting out the relative acceptability
>      of the words offend, hurt, humiliate, discredit, dislike,
>      disdain, detest, and vilify. Under Bill C-63, you can
>      be put away FOR LIFE for a 'crime' whose legal existence
>      hangs on the distinction between 'dislike' and 'detest'.
> And if that's not fucking terrifying enough, as mentioned above,
> Trudeau has also added a retroactive ex-post facto feature to the
> bill:
>      Canada to Imprison Anyone Who Has EVER Posted 'Hate
>      Speech' Online
>      The Trudeau regime has introduced an Orwellian new aspect
>      to C-63 (The Online Harms Bill), which will give police the
>      power to retroactively search the internet for 'hate speech'
>      violations and arrest offenders, even if the offense occurred
>      BEFORE the law even existed.
> If you don't thank every day whatever higher power you believe in
> that you live in a country whose founders not only gave us the
> Constitution but anticipated shitbags like Justin Trudeau and
> preemptively blocked them from being able to do bullshit like this,
> then you and I have no common frame of reference.

There are going to be damned few Canadians that can't be charged under
this law if it gets passed - and there is VERY little reason to imagine
that it will NOT be passed given that the Liberals and the NDP, who
have a de facto coalition, have enough votes to get it passed.
Ironically, a great many of those hateful remarks will be those
directed at those same two parties. Indeed, those remarks may be
WHY this legislation was created! The politicians may have been more
worried about themselves being criticized than hurtful remarks being
said about minorities.

A whole lot of the commenters in the websites that allow comments have been
quite open in expressing their disdain for the present regime. I expect
social media is much the same. Heck, if Usenet counts as social media,
I'm surely going to be charged too for my remarks. If I suddenly go
quiet for more than a few days, you'll know that Bill C-63 has swept me

You might be surprised to note that this bill is NOT the subject of
great controversy in this country. In fact, beyond the initial articles
describing the intent of the law, I haven't seen it even MENTIONED in
our media, at least I haven't seen it. Of course that media is widely
seen as compromised by the $600 million in tax money being used every
year to prop up traditional media (excluding CBC which gets $1.4 billion

Trudeau really HAS destroyed this country. This kind of thing would
have been unimaginable to anyone but the most paranoid prior to his
election in 2015. 
