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From: Rhino <>
Subject: Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future
Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 18:27:32 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Wed, 29 May 2024 20:26:17 +0000
BTR1701 <> wrote:

> Once again, the Babylon Bee publishes a mocking satire of the Left
> and the leftists take it as a challenge to turn it into reality.
> Here's the Bee's satirical Men's Health magazine:
> And an actual recent Men's Health edition:
> These people are literally unmockable.

It's not really that hard to make these predictions. Just extend
whatever weird ideas the "progressives" have this week into next week
or next month and you can make a pretty good guess about what they will
champion in the near future. 

For example, a year or two back, I heard about a duly-elected student
council at an American university that all stepped down to make way for
an all black (or maybe it was predominantly black) group to have those
offices, all in the name of righting past injustices or whatever. So,
essentially, democracy was subverted just to make the elected leaders
feel good about themselves in the aftermath of St. George of Fentanyl.
If I were a student there, I would have been pretty angry! Instead of
simply vacating their offices they should have finished their terms and
let the blacks - and anyone else who wanted - run in the next election
and let the biggest vote getters take the various positions: that's how
democracy is supposed to work. Heck, if they felt REALLY strongly, the
elected council could have resigned on mass and then held fresh
elections immediately and even declined to run themselves but to simply
give the council to other unelected people is profoundly wrong. 

So, if we use that as a model, then shortly after the next federal
election, Biden or Trump should simply vacate the White House and allow
BLM, Antifa or whoever to run the country. After all, the precedent
has been set and it's not hard to imagine "progressives" insisting that
the precedent needs to be followed at all levels of government. 

See? Anyone can make these kinds of predictions!
